Sheldon developed a theory of personality suggesting that the size and shape of our body was related to personality type. What did he call his theory? Correct Response
Somatotype Theory
What did Raymond Cattell call the underlying traits that direct surface traits?
source traits
According to Gordon Allport, a dominant trait that describes how you behave in all situations and seems to define you is called a:
cardinal trait.
Ellen has been described as highly introspective, attentive to inner feelings and fantasies, and intellectual. She is likely to obtain an elevated score on a questionnaire designed to measure which of the Big 5?
Which "big five" trait has shown the most consistent relationships with job performance?
Hippocrates believed that a person with an abundance of blood had which type of personality?
"Type" theories differ from "trait" theories in that:
type theories categorize people into groups, while trait theories measure a person's characteristics on a continuum.
What term do psychologists use for a personality test that requires people to answer questions about themselves in a yes/no, true/false, or similar format?
objective tests
The primary purpose of this true/false instrument is to diagnose psychological disorders.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Which assessment technique requires people to respond to unstructured or ambiguous stimuli?
projective tests
How do researches determine the influence of heredity of factors such as personality and intelligence?
studying identical twin reared apart
If you believe that personality is determined by genetics. What aspect of the historical debate about the causes of specific abilities do you support?
When you tell a friend you believe he is acting in a prejudiced manner, he angrily responds "I'm not prejudiced, you are!" Which defense mechanism appears to be at work here?
What did Sigmund Freud believe could happen if our needs were delayed at a particular psychosexual stage?
Your teacher organizes a debate on Freudian theory. You are assigned to the "No" side and therefore must point out problems in the theory. What shoudl be at the top of your list?
His theory is not scientific because most of his ideas are not measurable.
What is the correct sequence of Freud's psychosexual stages?
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Greg college roommate finds him very difficult to live with because Greg is extremely selfish and demands immediate gratification of all his needs and desires. From a psychodynamic view point, Greg is still being controlled what?
In a person who has trouble keeping the balance between the demands of the id and the needs of the superego would be described as having a weak:
Little boys have castration anxiety and little girls have penis envy during which of Freud's stages
What did Freud believe was created with the successful resolution of the Oedipal Complex?
super Ego
John Sandford wrote a book called Shadow Prey, which focuses on the dark, evil side of personality that supposedly everyone has. This idea is most similar to the psychological idea of what?
Jung's archetypes feedback; Jung proposed that our unconscious contains an are called the collective unconscious. It contains archtypes, which are culturally shared ideas of what is masculine and femanine, what is good and evil, what a hero is, etc. The "shadow" is one of his archtypes.
Who are the two humanists?
Maslow and Rogers
According to Carl Rogers, maladjustment occurs when there is a discrepancy between the:
real and ideal self
Rudy has a negative self-concept. Rogers would most likely explain Rudy's negative self-concept by stating that Rudy's parents and others around him probably provided him with:
conditional positive regard