Which war resulted in territorial gains for the United States that caused sectional conflict in the years leading up to the Civil War?
Mexican War
Which statesman was best known for his ability to foster compromise?
Henry Clay.
What is one significant way transportation changed in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century?
Canals were built, primarily in the North.
Which compromise established that territory from the Louisiana Purchase above 36°30' would be free from slavery?
Missouri Compromise.
Which cash crop was the largest export from the South just before the Civil War?
Which provision was included in Johnson's Reconstruction plan that had not been included in Lincoln's?
exclusion from office of aristocratic Southerners who had been part of secession
How did Andrew Johnson's behavior in office influence the events of the Reconstruction era?
Johnson's behavior strengthened the unity between moderate and Radical Republicans, and prompted many Democrats to support them as well.
In which area did the Freedmen's Bureau have the most success for African Americans?
help in securing educational opportunities
Which was not a reason Johnson used when vetoing the extension of the Freedmen's Bureau and the Civil Rights Bill of 1866?
Which was not a reason Johnson used when vetoing the extension of the Freedmen's Bureau and the Civil Rights Bill of 1866?
Which best describes black participation in politics during Reconstruction?
Blacks participated primarily through voting, while a few distinguished African Americans were elected to high positions in government.
Which Constitutional Amendment directly resulted from the Civil War?
(mark the one that is within options or all that are made as choices) 13th Ammendment, 14th Ammendment and the 15th Ammendment.
Which section of the nation was economically dominant after the Civil War?
Which was the initial strategy of the North?
The Anaconda plan.
How did the North achieve victory in the Civil War?
through attrition and massive advances on several fronts.
Which best describes de jure segregation?
segregation that is sanctioned by the law.
The Jim Crow era directly followed what period in U.S. history?
Which is most true of Jim Crow laws?
They were enacted mostly in the South.
What was the purpose of the poll tax?
to make it difficult for all poor people to vote.
Which was NOT a reason the North began to lose interest in the Southern Reconstruction by the early 1870s?
The violence in the South was increasingly disturbing and seemed to indicate that blacks would never really be free.
What protections were included in the Fourteenth Amendment?
citizenship, due process, and equal protection under the law
What were the Enforcement Acts?
Acts recommended by Grant and imposed by Congress to try to protect black voters from intimidation and violence
Why did President Johnson deviate from his original plan of punishing Southern aristocrats by making it difficult for states to reenter the Union?
Johnson believed that the Union was paramount and the South should be represented.
Who used lassos, lariats, steel spurs, and saddles?
cowboys and gauchos
In which case, policy, or situation did the motto "kill the Indian, but save the man" play an important role in western expansion?
Indian boarding Schools.
Who rejected the Worcester vs. Georgia ruling in hopes that the land they occupied would go to white settlers?
Andrew Jackson.
What was the struggle to receive full voting rights for women also called?
Which best describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?
as valuable property.
Which component of the Compromise of 1850 most enraged Northerners?
Fugitive Slave Act.
Which best describes popular sovereignty?
the ability of a state or territory to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery.
Which describes a significant difference between the North and the South in the years leading up to the Civil War?
The North favored a protectionist tarriff on foreign goods, while the South did not.