James K. Polk- 1845-1849
President that supported manifest destiny
Uncle Tom's Cabin- 1852
A book written to show slavery in the South also written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book was banned in the south. It was about slave families and was a best seller. "so this is the lady that started the civil war" -Abraham Lincoln. The North Loved the book and didn't know anything about the south until the book, opening their eyes.
Popular Sovereighnty
People's choice
John Brown
Pottawatomie Massacre, went to Kansas and Killed border ruffians, those who crossed the border from the south to make Kansas a slave state. Harper's Ferry Raid, Some of his men rounded up a handful of hostages, including a few slaves. Word of the raid spread and by the following day Brown and his men were surrounded. Brown was captured during the raid and later convicted of treason and hanged.
Pottawatamie Massacre
John Brown went to Kansas and Killed border ruffians, those who crossed the border from the south to make Kansas a slave state.
Harper's Ferry Raid
Some of john Brown's men rounded up a handful of hostages, including a few slaves. Word of the raid spread and by the following day Brown and his men were surrounded. Brown was captured during the raid and later convicted of treason and hanged.
State's Rights
states are ultimately sovereign and could decide whether they want slavery or not
Compromise of 1850
California would be a free state, Utah and New mexico would have popular sovereignty, ending the slave trade in Washington, D.C., Texas border settlement, and a strict fugitive slave law.36'30'
Bleeding Kansas
the period of violence during the settling of the Kansas territory
Bull Run
First Battle of the Civil war
Appomattox Court House
where General Lee surrendered to Grant ending the war.
15th Amendment
abolished slavery
Battle Of Antiedam
where the confederacy tried to invade the North and the first time the Union Won, also allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
General Sherman
Union General who burned Atlanta and "marched to the sea" also known for "total war"
Freedman's Bureau
provided food, housing and medical aid, established schools and offered legal assistance. It also attempted to settle former slaves on Confederate lands confiscated or abandoned during the war. also helped former slaves make the transition into freedom
14th Amendment
guarantee the Rights and security of freed people southern states would be punished for not letting black citizens vote, citizenship and equal protection of laws.
13th Amendment
slavery is banned except as a punishment
10% plan
the requirement number of voters in the south who would be required to take a loyalty oath before allowing the state back into the union.
Wade-Davis Bill
would require 50% of voters to take an "iron clad" loyalty oath and require southern states to write a new constiuition that would protect the rights of Freedmen (former slaves) and Lincoln later vetoed this bill.
President Johnson
new president after Lincoln was assassinated. pardoned many former confederates, vetoes the authorization of the Freedman's Bureau and the Civil Rights act of 1877.
10 years of office act
to prevent Johnson from firing supporters of the reconstruction
colleges and schools set up by African americans
Northerners who came south to help the Reconstruction
Southerners who pitched in to help republicans in the south
Black Codes
limit freedoms of freedmen, southern states began using poll taxes and literacy tests to prevent African Americans from voting
Force acts
laws passed by radicals in congress to fight back against groups like the KKK
Laws passed in the southern states to limit the freedoms of the freedmen and guarantee white supremacy
Jim crow laws and black codes
laws that disenfranchised AA'S without violating the 15th Amendment
Anaconda Plan
Union strategy to use naval Blockade to cut-off confederate trade during the war.
laird rams
ships built by a British company that the confederates hoped they could use to break the union blockade
Northern democrats who opposed the war and wanted to let the south seceed
confiscation acts
laws during the war to give guidance to the union generals in dealing with the slaves
biggest battle of the war and its turning point
Habeas Corpus
legal protection that allowed people detained by the government to request a hearing on the legality of their detention. Lincoln also suspended this at times during the war.
Emancipation Proclamation
freed slaves in areas still in rebellion during the war
Missouri Compromise
Missouri would be a slave state and Maine would be a free state
Underground Railroad
safe houses for runaway slaves (Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman)
ostend manifesto
plans for Cuba
Kansas-Nebraska Act
get rid of the Missouri Compromise and use popular sovereignty
Border Ruffions
people that crossed the border and voted for Kansas
Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hildago
Treaty at the end of the Mexican American War
Missouri compromise of 1820
Louisiana territory would be free, Missouri would be a slave state
south carolina
first state to secede
Whig Party
major political party that began to die out during the Mexican american war
Fugitive Slave act of 1793
if a slave runs away they must be brought back
election of 1858
Lincoln running for senate against Douglas
former confederates and aristocrats who came back into power after 1876
for former slaves land ownership was
the key to freedom
Bargain of 1877
killed the Reconstruction
American Revolution
was the first time in history people fought for their independence
The Articles of Confederation
was the first constitution for the US. It was proposed by the Continental Congress in 1777 and ratified in 1781.
power to declare war, appoint military officers, sign treaties, make alliances, appoint foreign ambassadors, and manage relations with Indians.
The Bill of Rights
were the first 10 amendments to the Constitution and was ratified in 1791.
The US became an independent country, original 13 colonies.
Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana from France which doubled the size of the United States and rose conflict on whether it would be a free or slave state.
Every Northern state abolished slavery.
Missouri becomes a slave state and Maine becomes free. 36 30 line- anything above that is a free state and anything below is a slave state.
Causes of the Mexican-American War
Texas- land disputes, Rio Grande- oasis river- arguing over land, California for trade and recourses, Missouri Compromise, a diplomatic split, "American Blood shed on American Soil", border dispute, slavery, and manifest destiny.
Results of the Mexican-American War
15 million dollars mt. cession, political division in the United States, death and destruction from being in the military and plagues and diseases.
Gag Rule
meant that slavery could not be talked about because they knew it was a controversial topic by congress from 1831-1844.
Northwest Ordinance
in 1786 abolishing slavery in the North
Tariff Controversy
from 1828 to 1832 that tax on imports increases and South Carolina revolts. There was tension between federal and state governments. Andrew Jackson threatens to send troops and hang state leaders.
Wilmot Proviso
in 1846 saying that there shouldn't be slavery in western territory.
Mini armies of Americans that were trying to expand
Personal Liberty Laws
Contradicts the Fugitive slave laws in the North.
Ostend Manifesto
were the plans for Cuba.
Steven Douglas
wanted to build a railroad to connect the East and the West.
White Man's Burden
Manifest Destiny
logical, destined, "divine right" to expand to also spread Christianity. thought if they didn't gain that land some evil power would. started as soon as the first settlers from Europe arrived.
Mexican-American War
feared that The US would take all of their land, republic. The US viewed Mexicans As incompetent and thought the US would rule them better. The US viewed Mexico as incompetent rulers therefore they claimed territory.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Peace treaty to the Mexican American war, forced on the Mexicans. Ended the Mexican American War. ended the age of expansion and made the US a continental power.
Homestead Act
US encouraging Americans to settle in the West. paying them. Start new cities and town kicking out Native Americans. led into Plains- Indian Wars
Plains- Indian Wars
Constant war with Native Americans to settle into their land. multiple conflicts. West plains.
Sand creek Massacre
made false treaties. Native Americans protection from Colorado government. treaty promised them land. Colonel John Chivington attacked the Native Americans. Killing left Women and children while men were hunting. - Another treaty violated by the whites.
Battle of Little Bighorn
also known as great Sioux War. Americans were out numbered. Colonel Custer's men were wiped out. victory of Native Americans.
Wounded Knee Massacre
final war between the Native Americans and Americans. Army slaughtered women and children of the Lakota Tribe.
Dawes Act of 1887
divide tribal lands, giving land to families and trying to undermine families and trying to make them American.
A century of Dishonors
White settler's broken promises and treaties to the Native Americans caused killings and few Native Americans were left.
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
treaty solving border issues between THE US and British Colonies. Divided where the United States and Where Canada is.
Steward treaty
Purchase of Alaska, treaty between Russia and the Unites States. because Alaska had a lot of oil
going into countries and claiming them as your own. for expansion to improve economic status.
Anti- Imperialist
wanted to stay where they are
Alfred T Mahan
imperialist, believed that if they expanded they would become a power like the British. to get involved with other countries and trading.
Social Darwinism- 1870's
After publishing his book about evolution which was controversial because the whiter you were the less you were of monkey, justifying slavery.- the weak species died out- Native Americans. "Survival of the fittest"
Extreme patriotism- very loyal to your country. Not wanting peace treaties, threatening foreign countries. War like policy
Open Door policy
forcing Japan to trade with the US along with other countries. forced relationship
Yellow Journalism
exaggerating stories to get American citizens to get involved the in the Cuba- Spanish war
President William McKinley.
De Lome Letter, supposedly stolen from the Spanish, calling president McKinley weak. Shameful for Americans and wanting them to fight against the Spanish even more.
USS Maine
sent to cuba to help Americans that were in cuba, the US blamed the Spanish for it exploded although it was accident.
Dollar Diplomacy
period after the US wanting to get involved in Latin America/ Spanish and Latin speaking countries. Banana warfare, making the US interested.
Mass production
methods to assemble large amounts of standardized materials. This development helped fuel the economic boom of the late 19th century. Associated with Henry Ford, assembly lines, interchangeable parts, Eli Whitney.
Confederate states
12 southern states