Christian Humanism
Movement in Northern Europe in late Fifteenth century. Combined interests in the early Italian Renaissance with sources of early Christianity.
Desiderius Erasmus's The Praise of Folly
Erasmus engaged in humorous yet effective criticism of the most corrupt practices of his own society. He was harsh on the abuses within the ranks of the clergy.
Thomas More's Utopia
More's famous work was Utopia. This masterpiece is an account of the idealistic life and institutions of the community of Utopia and imaginary island in the discovered New World.
Pluralism and Absenteeism
Pluralism- Practice of holding several church offices simultaneously; a problem of the late medieval church. Absenteeism- Bishops and high ranking memebers of the clergy often held several different offices and were often never in their own churches. they sometimes even paid priest a small percent of their salary to preach in their place.
Thomas a Kempis' Imitation of Christ
Thomas a Kempis wrote "truly, at the day of judgement we shall not be examined by what we have read, but what we have done, not how well we have spoken, but how religiously we have lived.:
The sacraments
Catholic's means of receiving God's grace; confession offered the opportunity to have one sin's forgiven.
Martin Luther
Deeply religious man. He split with a church that did not fit the traditional teachings of the late medieval church.
Salvation by faith
People made deserving of salvation. Humans are not saved through good works but by the grace of God.
Priesthood of all believers
Christian Doctrine saying that Christians share a common priesthood
Johann Tetzel and indulgences
The response to Luther were abuses in selling indulgences
Ninety-Five Theses
Publication of Luther's to mark the beginning of the Reformation.
The Edict of Worms
Catholic Church and Charles V banning the writings of Martin Luther and labeling him as enemy of the state.
The Peasants' War, 1524
Peasants War was a series of uprisings by German peasants who were suffering from economic changes they did comprehend. Led by religious leaders, revolts quickly became entangled with religious set in motion by Luther's defiance of the church.
Substance of bread and wine consumed in the ride transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. Testament to God's forgiveness of sin.
The Protestant Minister
Religious leaders who have been ordained
Charles V
Charles V ruled over an immense empire, overseas possessions. His rival is Valois King of France. Sought to remain religious unity throughout his vast empire by keeping all subjects within the bounds of the catholic church.
Pope Clement VII
Joined the side of Francis I in the second Habsburg- Valois war with catastrophic results
Suleiman the Magnificent
Suleiman the Magnificent was the new leader of the Ottoman armies.
Peace of Augsburg
Legalization between Catholicism and Lutheranism in Germany
Gustavus Vasa
Scandinavian kingdoms was overthrown by Swedish barons led by Vasa. Three years later, Vasa became king of an independent. Took the lead in establishing a Lutheran Reformation in his country.
Ulrich Zwingli
Product of Swiss forest cantons. Obtained both bachelor of arts and master of arts degrees. Strongly influenced by Christian humanism.Zwingli began the Reformation in Switzerland
Marburg Colloquy
Produced no agreement and no evangelical alliance. Foretasted the issues that would divide one reform group from another and lead creations of different Protestant groups
Anabaptists and Munster
Anabaptists- Anabaptists held certain ideas in common. They felt that the true Christian church was a voluntary association of believers that undergone spiritual rebirth and has been baptized into churches. Munster- Munster gathered a large force and laid seige to the city. The new king repeatedly has to postpone the ushering forth from Munster
Menno Simons
Anabaptist religious leader. Responsible for rejuvenating Dutch Anabaptism
Henry VIII's Wive
Henry VIII had many wives: 1. Catherine of Aragon, wife of Henry's Bro - Divorced 2. Anne Boleyn - Beheaded 3. Jane Seymour - Dies in birth 4. Ann of Cleves - Divorced 5. Catherine Howard - Committed adultery or assumed adultery and was beheaded 6. Catherine Parr- Survived; outlives Henry Divorced, beheaded, dies, divorced, beheaded, survived
Act of Supremacy
Act that allowed Henry VIII as Supreme Head of the Church of England
Book of Common Prayer
Instituted the right of the clergy to marry, elimination of images, and creations of revised Protestant liturgy known as the Book of the Common Prayer
Edward VI and "Bloody Mary"
Edward VI followed his father as king in 1547, but things were under the watch of his father. "Bloody Mary"- Earned this nickname because during her reign, she had more than 300 people burned at the stake of heresy. She brought faith back to the Roman Catholic in England. She was concerned with religious issues.
John Calvin
In 1536, John Calvin began working to reform the city of Geneva, he remained here until his death in 1564.
Gave a unique cast to Calvin's teachings. This "eternal decree", what Calvin called it, means that God had predestined some people to be saved and others to be damned.
John Calvin began working on the reform of Geneva
The Protestant family
Rule remains with the husband, and the wife is to obey him by God's command. He rules the home, state, wages war, etc. The wife stays at home and looks after the household. She does not go beyond her most personal duties.
Protestant education
"Private school" was divided into seven classes for young people who taught Latin and Greek grammar and literature as well as logic. In "public schools", students were taught philosophy, Hebrew, Greek, and theology. Genevan Academy became a university and prepared ministers to spread the Calvinist view of the Gospel.
Attempted to ban drinking in taverns, dramatic performances,and dancing. This led to many social problems
Catholic Reformation
Catholic Reformation was the period of Catholic revival and aimed at stopping the spread of Protestanism
Saint Teresa of Avila
A nun in the Carmelite order, Teresa experienced a variety of mystical visions that she claimed resulted in the ecstatic union of her soul with God. Teresa also believed that mystical experiences should lead to active life.
Ignatius Loyola
Loyola experienced spiritual torture like Luther, but solved his own problems by a decision to submit his will to the will of the church
Pursued three major activities. Established highly disciplined schools, borrowing freely from humanist schools for educational methods. Educations of young people was crucial to combating the advance of Protestantism. Jesuits took over the premier academic posts in Catholic universities, by 1600, they were the most famous educators in Europe.
Francis Xavier
One of the original members of the Society of Jesus, carried the message of Catholic Christianity to the East
Pope Paul III
Proved to be a point in the reform of the papacy. He appointed his nephews as cardinals and involved himself in politics
Council of Trent
Groups of cardinals, archbishops, bishops, abbots,and theologians meet in the city of Trent and initiated the Council of Trent. It was a decision to fight back against the reformation.
Huguenots and Saint Barthomew's Day
Huguenots were French Calvinists that came from all levels of society. Saint Barthomew's Day was a massacre in 1572. About three thousand Huguenots were murdered in Paris, depicts a number of the incidents that day.
Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes
Henry IV led series of civil wars, one of them was the Saint Barthomew's Massacre Edict of Nantes was issued in 1598. Although the Edict of Nantes recognized the rights of the Protestant minority and ostensibly of religious toleration, it did so only out of political necessity, not out of conviction.
Philip II
Phillip II was the son and Heir of Charles V. Philip's reign in an age of Spanish greatness, both politically and culturally. One of the major goals of Philip II was to consolidate and secure the lands he had inherited from his gather. Included Spain, the Netherlands, and possessions in Italy
Battle of Lepanto
Muslim attack on the island of Cyprus, resulted in a stunning victory over the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.
New World
In 1492, Christopher Colombus sailed to America and introduced the New World to the Western World
The Netherlands
Revolt in the Netherlands would never be crushed as long as England provided support for it.
Union of Utrecht
Treaty signed on January 23 1579, unifying the northern provinces of the Netherlands, until then under control of Hasburg Spain
Asceded the throne of England. Now queen of England. She had a difficult time in her early life.
Spanish Armada
Proved to be a disaster. Conversation between a papal emissary and an officer of the SPanish fleet before the Armada departed reveals the fundamental flaw. The task that the Spanish Armada had was to overthrow Queen Elizabeth 1.