Medici family in power in Florence (1434-) Invention of Printing Press (1440-) Portuguese establish first African trading post (1443) Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Europe (1400-)
Medici family in power in Florence (-1494) Marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon (1469) Invasion of Italy by Charles III of France (1494) Union of Burgundian and Habsburg dynasties (1477) Age of Discovery (1450-) Columbus lands on San Salvador (1492) Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Europe (-) Reign of Ivan III in Russia (1462-)
Castiglione, The Courtier (1528) Martin Luther, "Ninety-Five Theses on the Power of Indulgences" (1517) Habsburg-Valois Wars (1521-) Peasants' War in Germany (1525) Turkish victory at Mohacs, spread of Protestantism in Hungary (1526) Calvin, the Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) Papal approval of Jesuits (1540) Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office and Roman Inquisition (1542) Council of Trent (1545-) Age of Discovery (-) Portuguese capture Malacca from Muslims (1511) Atlantic slave trade begins (1518) Magellan's expedition circumnavigates the world (1519-1522) Spaniards defeat Aztec army (1520) Pizarro arrives in Peru and defeats Inca Empire (1532) Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Europe (-) Reign of Ivan III in Russia (-1505) Reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia (1533-) Scientific revolution (1540-) Copernicus, on the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)
Habsburg-Valois Wars (-1559) Council of Trent (-1563) Reign of Mary Tudor and temporary restoration of Catholicism in England (1553-1558) Peace of Augsburg, official recognition of Lutheranism (1555) Reign of Elizabeth and the "Elizabethan Settlement" in England (1558-) Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis (1559) Height of the European witch-hunt (1560-) Civil war in the Netherlands (1568-1578) Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre (1572) Edict of Nantes (1598) Age of Discovery (-) World-wide commercial boom (1570-) Henry IV in France (1589-) Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Europe (-) Reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia (-1584) Scientific Revolution (-) Galileo (1564-) Kepler (1571-)
Reign of Elizabeth and the "Elizabethan Settlement" in England (-1603) Height of the European witch-hunt (-) Age of Discovery (-1650) world-wide commercial boom (-1630) Dutch East India Company established (1602) Henry IV in France (-1610) food riots common across Europe (1605-) Birth of French Academy (1635) Golden age of Dutch art (1640-) English civil war ends with execution of Charles I (1642-1649) Louis XIV in France (1643-) The Fronde (1648-) Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Europe (-1650) Habsburgs crush Protestantism in Bohemia (1620) Reign of Frederick Wiliam in Prussia (1640-) Scientific Revolution (-) Galileo (-1642) Kepler (-1630)
Height of the European witch-hunt (-1603) Food riots common across Europe (-) Golden age of Dutch art (-1680) Louis XIV in France (-) The Fronde (-1653) Military rule in England under Oliver Cromwell (1653-1658) Treaty of the Pyrenees marks end of Spanish imperial dominance (1659) Restoration of English monarchy under Charles II (1660) Jean-Baptiste Colbert applies mercantilism to France (1665-1683) Edict of Nantes revoked (1685) Glorious Revolution in England (1688-1689) Reign of Frederick Wiliam in Prussia (-1688) Nikon reforms Russian Orthodox church (1652) cossack revolt led by Razin (1670-1671) Construction of palaces by absolutist rulers (1680-) Habsburgs defend Vienna, win war with Ottoman Turks (1683-) Scientific revolution (-1690) Royal Society of London founded (1662) Newton, Principia and law of universal gravitation (1687) Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690) Enlightenment (1690-) Voltaire (1694-) Growth of Atlantic economy (1650-) Agricultural improvement and revolution (1650-) British Navigation Acts (1651-1663) Anglo-Dutch wars, rise of British mercantilism (1652-1674)
Food riots common across Europe (-1715) Louis XIV in France (-1715) War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713) Peace of Utrecht (1713) Construction of palaces by absolutist rulers (-1750) Habsburgs defend Vienna, win war with Ottoman Turks (-1718) Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg (1702) Growth of Prussian military (1713-1740) Enlightenment (-) Voltaire (-) Growth of book publishing (1700-) Rococo style in art and decoration (1720-) Salons led by elite women (1740-) Reign of Frederick the Great of Prussia (1740-) Growth of Atlantic economy (-) Agricultural improvement and revolution (-) Height of Atlantic slave trade, expansion of rural industry in Europe (1700-) Mercantilist wars of empire (1701-) Last of bubonic plague in Europe (1720-1722) Growth of European population (1720-) War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
Enlightenment (-1780) Voltaire (-1778) Growth of book publishing (-1789) Rococo style in art and decoration (-1780) Salons led by elite women (-1780) Reign of Frederick the Great in Prussia (-1786) Enlightened absolutists (1750-1790) Diderot and d'Alembert, Encyclopedia (1751-1765) Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762) Reign of Catherine the Great of Russia (1762-1796) Reign of Joseph II of Austria (1780-1790) Growth of Atlantic economy (-1790) Agricultural improvement and revolution (-) Height of Atlantic slave trade, expansion of rural industry in Europe (-1790) Mercantilist wars of empire (-1763) Growth of European population (1789) rise of economic liberalism (1750-1790) Seven years' War (1756-1763) Fall of Quebec (1759) Height of parliamentary enclosure in England (1760-) Smith, Wealth of nations (1776) Boston Tea Party (1773) Paine, common Sense (1775) American revolution (1775-1783) Financial crisis in France (1786-1789) Feudalism abolished in France, ratification of U.S. Constitution, storming of the Bastille (1789) French Revolution (1789-1799) Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) Slave insurrection in Saint-domingue (1791) Wollstonecraft, a Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) Execution of Louis XVI (1793) Economic controls to help poor in France, Robespierre's Reign of Terror (1793-1794) Robespierre deposed and executed (1794) Thermidorian reaction (1794-1799) Napoleonic era (1799-) spinning jenny invented (1765) Watt creates modern steam engine (1769) Industrial Revolution (1780-) Population boom in England (1780-) Malthus, Essay on the Principle of Population (1789) combination Acts passed (1799) Romantic movement (1790-)
Agricultural improvement and revolution (-1850) Height of Parliamentary enclosure in England (-1815) British slave trade abolished (1807) Napoleonic era (-1815) Haitian republic declares independence (1805) Napoleon invades Russia (1812) Napoleon defeated and exiled (1814-1815) Industrial Revolution (-1850) Population boom in England (-) Strike of Manchester cotton spinners (1810) Combination Acts repealed (1824) Industrial banks in Belgium (1830-1840) Stephenson's Rocket, first important railroad(1830) Factory Act (1833) List, national System of a Political Economy (1841) Mines Act (1842) Engles, the Condition of the Working class in England (1844) romantic movement (1850) Metternich serves as Austrian foreign minister (1809-1848) Stael, On Germany (1810) Holy Alliance formed, revision of Corn Laws in Britain (1815) Carlsbad Decrees issued by German confederation (1819) Greece wins Independence from Turks (1830) reign of Louis Philippe in France (1830-1848) Reform bill in Britain (1832) Blanc, Organization of Work (1839) Great Famine in Ireland (1845-) Ten Hours Act in Britain (1847) Revolutions in France, Austria, and Prussia (1848) Marx and Engels, the communist manifesto (1848)
Population boom in England (-1851) Great Exhibition held at Crystal palace (1851) Great Famine in Ireland (-1851) Modernization of Paris (1850-1870) Condition of working classes improves (1850-) pasteurization developed (1854) development of germ theory (1854-1870) Flaubert, Madame Bovary (1857) Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859) unification of Italy (1859-1870) U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) Austro-Prussian War (1866) Mendeleev creates periodic table (1869) Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871) Dostoevski, the Brothers Karamazov (1880-1881) Birthrate steadily declines in Europe (1880-) Electric streetcars introduced in Europe (1890-1900)
Condition of working classes improves (-1914) Birthrate steadily declines in Europe (-1913)