In a __________ system, local and regional governments derive authority from the national government.
What are the two types of powers given to the national government under the United States Constitution?
enumerated; implied
Which clause in the Constitution ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another?
Full Faith and Credit
A __________ grant is a large grant to a state by the federal government with only general spending guidelines.
What was the first major Supreme Court decision to define the relationship between the federal and state governments?
McCulloch v. Maryland
In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court held that Congress has the power to regulate __________ activity.
The Constitution says that states are required to return a person charged with a crime in another state to that state for trial or imprisonment, a practice called __________.
Which clause of the U.S. Constitution did the Supreme Court interpret in McCulloch v. Maryland?
Necessary and proper
Before the ratification of the Constitution, the United States was organized as ___________.
a confederation
The Defense of Marriage Act potentially violates which clause of the Constitution?
Full Faith and Credit
What model of federalism began in the 1930s?
Which type of federalism is characterized by a system of separate but distinct state and national governments?
One benefit of the federal system is the ability of the states to operate as __________ for new ideas.
What is a mandate?
An order from the federal government requiring the states to take a certain action.
Of the following, which is a power denied states by the Constitution?
the power to enter into treaties
The No Child Left Behind Act is an example of a __________.
unfunded mandate
The power of both the state and federal governments to levy taxes is an example of __________ federalism.
marble cake
Which of the following is the best definition of federalism?
A constitutional arrangement by which power is distributed between a central government and state governments.
What was the dominant form of federalism early in the history of the United States?
Proponents of the "devolution revolution" argue that:
The authority of state governments should be expanded.
The Framers adopted a federal system of government partly because they feared __________.
centralizing power in one institution
Which of the following is a shared power between states and the federal government?
power to tax
In United States v. Lopez, the U.S. Supreme Court scrutinized the use of which of the following powers as related to the possession of firearms in public schools?