Portuguese trading fortresses and compounds with resident merchants; utilized throughout Portuguese trading empire to assure secure landing places and commerce.
El Mina
Most important of early Portuguese trading factories in forest zone of Africa.
Nzinga Mvemba
King of Kongo south of Zaire River from 1507 to 1543; converted to Christianity and took title Alfonso I; under Portuguese influence attempted to Christianize all of kingdom.
Portuguese factory established in 1520s south of Kongo; became basis for Portuguese colony of Angola.
Royal African Company
A trading company chartered by the English government in 1672 to conduct its merchants' trade on the Atlantic coast of Africa.
Indies piece
A unit in the complex exchange system of the west African trade; based on the value of an adult male slave.
Triangular Trade
A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Aferica sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa
African kingdom on the Gold Coast that expanded rapidly after 1680. Asante participated in the Atlantic economy, trading gold, slaves, and ivory. It resisted British imperial ambitions for a quarter century before being absorbed into Britain.
Osei Tutu
member of Oyoko clan of Akan peoples in Gold Coast region of Africa; responsible for creating unified Asante Empire; utilized Western firearms.
Title taken by ruler of Asante Empire; supreme civil and religious leader; authority symbolized by golden stool.
a kingdom of the West African rain forest
Kingdom developed among Fon or Aja peoples in 17th century; center at Abomey 70 miles from coast; under King Agaja expanded to control coastline and port of Whydah by 1727; accepted Western firearms and goods in return for African slaves.
Nilotic people who migrated from Upper Nile valley; established dynasty among existing Bantu population in lake region of central eastern Africa; center at Bunyoro.
Pastoral people of western Sudan; adopted purifying Sufi variant of Islam; under Usuman Dan Fodio in 1804, launched revolt against Hausa kingdoms; established state centered on Sokoto.
Great Trek
Movement of Boer settlers in Cape Colony of southern Africa to escape influence of British colonial government in 1834; led to settlement of regions north of Orange River and Natal.
Wars of 19th century in southern Africa; created by Zulu expansion under Shaka; revolutionized political organization of southern Africa.
Swazi and Lesotho
African states formed by peoples reacting to the stresses of the Mfecane. (wars among Africans in southern Africa during the early 19th century)
Middle Passage
a voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies
African religious ideas and practices in the English and French Caribbean islands.
A religion based on African traditions with elements derived from Christianity; used in Brazil.
African religious ideas and practices among descendants of African slaves in Haiti.
Kingdom of runaway slaves with a population of 8,000 to 10,000 people; located in Brazil during the 17th century; leadership was Angolan.
Suriname Maroons
formerly a Dutch plantation colony on the coast of South America; location of runaway slave kingdom in 18th century; able to retain independence despite attempts to cruch guerrilla resistance.
William Wilberforce
British statesman and reformer; leader of abolitionist movement in English parliament that led to end of English slave trade in 1807.
Creole Slaves
American-born descendants of saltwater slaves; result of sexual exploitation of slave women or process of miscegenation.
Salt-water slaves
African born slaves.