Karl Mauch/19th century Europeans
First People to find Great Zimbabwe.
Sahara Desert
the world's largest desert (3,500,000 square miles) in northern Africa
Niger River
located in West Africa, its rich soil gave rise to several civilizations; it also helped unite the region by enabling merchants and travelers to spread goods and ideas up and down the river
Rift Valley
Where we first have records of humans
Congo River Basin
River basin that covers 12% of the continent and extends over 9 countries.
an ancient region of northeastern Africa (southern Egypt and northern Sudan) on the Nile
An African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c. 100 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries.
a town of northern Ethiopia. From the first to the eighth century C.E. it was the capital of an empire that controlled much of northern Ethiopia
Major trading state during its antiquity. Lived across from the red sea on the southern arabian peninsula.
"Hermit Kingdom"
The Kingdom of Axum was called this due the fact of it being by itself.
Coptic Christianity
form of Christianity that took hold in Egypt and Ethiopia 1500 years ago, brought by Byzantines
is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea
Desertification of the Sahara
The area of the Sahara, over time turning from a savanna into a desert.
a region of grassland with scattered trees lying between the equatorial forest and the hot deserts in either hemisphere.
"Fleets of the Desert"
camel caravans
1st millenium B.C.E. was founded, Lived in northern africa in the Saharan desert. Traded things such as Salt, copper, gold, slaves and food products. Carried goods from Carthage into Africa.
Nok Culture
An African culture that existed around 500 BCE in Northern Nigeria. They lived along the Niger river and produced terra cotta sculptures. Was the first African Civilization to have Iron working.
Began in 2000 B.C.E., lived in the Congo River Basin,They brought farming and iron working into eastern africa.
The Periplus
The book a Greek Seafarer wrote about his travelsfrom the cap Guardafui to the Horn of Africa to Madagascar
This is a City told about in the Periplus that was a major trading city. They traded things such as ivory, turtle shell, and Rhino Horns.
a Bantu language with Arabic words spoken along the East African coast
Ashanti of Ghana
founded in 5th century C.E. and ended in 12th century C.E., Lived in West africa near the Niger River. traded Gold, Ivory, Bananas, Kola Nuts and other things. Largest Gold producer in Africa, Gold came from neighboring cities
Lineage Groups
A clan in African Society, this was used to trace back into founding ancestors.
Al Maghrib
This is the Area the Arabs conquered and gave it this name, this area was northern africa where Carthage once was.
Ethiopias's Zagwe Dynasty
in 1150 this dynasty took the throne from the old Axumite kings and firmly established Christianity
The Battle the Arabs had in the Africa east
The Coast of east Africa the first name given by Arabs the second Greeks
Kilwa, Mombasa, Zanzibar, and Mogadishu
All important central commericial centers in East Africa.
Ibn Battuta
A 14th century Arabian writer who wrote about the city of Kilwa
Ghana and Saleh
First known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E. Also the modern West African country once known as the Gold Coast, capital of Ghana
Empire created by indigenous Muslims in western Sudan of West Africa from the thirteenth to fifteenth century. It was famous for its role in the trans-Saharan gold trade
Mansa Musa
this Mali king brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312 the 1337; he was the most powerful king in west africa. Famous for "Making it Rain!"
Title of the ruler of Mali.
a city in central Mali near the Niger river
"Stateless Societies"
cultural groups in which authority is shared by lineages of equal power instead of being exercised by a central government.
Luba and Kongo
a Bantu language spoken in southeastern Congo/ the Bantu language spoken by the Kongo people living in the tropical forests of Zaire and Congo and Angola
Great Zimbabwe
City, now in ruins (in the modern African country of Zimbabwe), whose many stone structures were built between about 1250 and 1450, when it was a trading center and the capital of a large state.
Zambezi River
a river in southern Africa, flowing east through Zimbabwe and Mozambique into the Indian Ocean.
The San and the Khoi
They were both a similar group of people, they both spoke Khoisan, However Kohi were Herders while The San were hunters/gathers
a family of languages spoken in southern Africa , known for this
the form of society in which family line, power, and wealth are passed primarily through the female side
Africian Slavery
Often thought of after 1500 C.E. However this is FALSE, Slavery started in africa a long time before then.
Rock Paintings
paintings of the San peoples of southern Africa; evidence of aboriginal people lived in the area for ten thousand years
Benin Bronzes
Benin was famous for its bronze and brass sculptures; main function to please the king
"Talking Drum"
drum used to give messages and signals to people in one community or to communicate with others further away
monumental architectures Built near the Nile river
tall structure with inscriptions in Ethiopia. There are 1,300 stelae found at Axum in Ethiopia.
Bards and the Epic of Son-Jara
Story tellers in African Sociuties due to a lack of a writing system, One of the most famous stories is this about Son-Jara who founded Mali.
Zagwe Churches
Staunch Christians, the Zagwe devoted themselves to the construction of new churches and monasteries. These were often modeled after Christian religious