During the post classical period, societies in the Americas
Remained entirely separate from those of the Old World.
Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of American civilization during the post classical period?
Monotheistic practices
The northern nomadic peoples who entered central Mexico following the decline of Teotihuacan were the
After the sack of Tula, the center of population and political power in Mexico shifted to
The valley of Mexico and the shores of a chain of lakes in that basin
The people who succeeded the Tolcecs as the rulers of central Mexico were the
In the period shortly after the arrival of the Aztecs in the valley of Mexico, what was the nature of the political organization of the region?
What city did he Aztecs establish circa 1325 on a marshy island in Lake Texcoco?
The Aztec innovation in intensive agriculture in the aquatic environments of the lakes of central Mexico was the development of
What was the impact of expansion and conquest on the Aztec social system?
From the loose association of clans, Aztec society became highly stratified society
Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Aztec rise to power?
The abandonment of human sacrifice
One of the most permanent features of Aztec society was its organization into clans or
What was the nature of the Aztec economy?
The Aztec state redistributed many goods received as tribute and there was a specialized merchant class
While the position of Aztec women in many ways paralleled that of women in other civilizations at a similar stage of development, what was the significant difference between the lives of women in Mesoamerica and in the Mediterranean world?
Aztec women had to spend many more hours grinding grain for food
What was the primary difference in the political situation between the Mesoamerican and Andean zones following the breakup of the classical states?
The capital of the Inca empire was
What do the authors suggest was the principal reason for Inca conquest and expansion?
The practice of split inheritance