A wealthy city-state ruled by a theocratic government
People who had advanced maritime craft and used them to reach New Guinea and establish societies across the Pacific and Indian Ocean islands
Land Bridges
Bridges that were exposed during the last ice age. They allowed people to migrate to the Americas, Australia, and New Guinea.
Popul Vah
A Mayan book that survived the Spanish invaders. It teaches that people were created out of maize and water by the gods, thus it explains the reason for blood letting rituals
A city-state that had no military or defensive walls, which led to it's downfall
People who introduced agriculture to the people in New Guinea and other Indian Ocean islands
Austronesians who migrated and populated many islands in the Pacific and Indian Ocean
A large ceremonial center in Maya that became a political center that accumulated massive amounts of wealth
People who maintained large trade networks across seas but ceased once they had prosperous societies under kings and chiefs
(1400 B.C.E. to 500 B.C.E.) earliest known Mexican civilization,lived in rainforests along the Gulf of Mexico, developed calendar and constructed public buildings and temples, carried on trade with other groups.
Heirs to the Olmec society that cultivated the lowlands of Mesoamerica
A Mesoamerican people who influenced the development of the Maya and Teotihuacan
Terrace fields
What the Maya used to cultivate in the lowlands
A society to the north of the Maya and a descendant of the Olmecs. It was very wealthy and had many skilled artisans.
A people who established a series of independant states and city-states in Mesoamerica
A people whose warfare involved capturing other warriors to serve as slaves or bleeding sacrifices
An invention made by the Olmecs to record the year, day, and month to a pinpoint accuracy
ball games
An intellectual advancement of the Olmec and Maya that also served religious purposes.
A people who believed in multiple gods and pleasing them through blood letting rituals
Chichen Itza
A Mayan state that tried to unify the Mayan people under one centralized rule. It assimilated captured soldiers into it's society and survived the Maya downfall in 800 C.E.