the science or art of metals. It includes the study of their properties and structure, the separation and refining of metals from their ores, the production of alloys, and the shaping and treatment of metals by heat and rolling.
dual gods of equal power to form early monotheism; Persian; cosmic struggle over good and bad; those that do good go to heaven and bad go to hell; influenced Judaism and Christianity
Hebrew Monotheism
Definition: The Hebrew idea of there being only one God and none other. This God is not anthropomorphic but is omnipotent Cause: Diffusion of Zoroastrianism ; nature gods; the need to bring together a people Consequence: Has influenced countless religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. Unification of peoples' through religion; no individual gods to blame for ex. Losing a war or no rainfall for crops
Vedic religion
records of Aryans describe deities - one was the war leader and strongest on Indra, destroyer of cities and god of thunder and storm. rituals for the gods is found in the vedas = 4 books of sacred knowledge originally recited orally in Sanskrit. the oldest - Rig Veda = collection of hyms from 1800 to 1300. by late Vedic period, Hindu gods were Shiva and Vishnu - examples of Brahma = universal, eternal force.
elaborate weaving
these patterned textiles and clothing indicate a more complex society with the ability to trade luxury items
wall decorations
wall paintings/carvings of Neolithic depicting daily life
horseback riding
This skill allowed ancient people in Mesopotamia to move faster and have better armies, another trait introduced by pastoralists.
A strong military unit of the ancient time, combining pastoralist technologies of horseback riding and wheels.
iron weapons
were the strongest and most advanced weapon material of the ancient times, introduced by pastoral people. introduced by Bantu people
use of fire
protection from animals, move into the caves, move into colder regions, cooking, sense of community
six original civilizations
olmec, mesopotamia, indus river valley, egypt, norte chico, civilization of yellow river in China
wheeled vehicles
◦transportation using wheeled vehicles ◦3500 BCE first use of wheels- Sumerians building wheeled carts ◦haul heavy loads
woven textiles
the invention of cloth and fabric led to increased trade between regions; linen from Egypt, cotton from the Indus Valley, and silk from China became critical exports
Neolithic invention used for cooking and food storage
development of tools
stone tools advanced to metal tools, digging sticks advanced to plows