What is the difference between design and technique?
Design refers to the overall organization of a work of art, where as technique refers to the way the artist used the materials to create a desired outcome or impression.
Portraits were considered extremely important in early history because they were _____________
the only method for recording images of people.
Which of the following is not true regarding the use and importance of symmetry?
It creates differentiation between each part through the use of dimension and scale.
Medium is _____________
the materials used by an artist.
A visual metaphor is effective because _________________.
it allows an artist to use one or more images to replace another, in order to convey a message or idea.
Which famous Roman author was quoted as saying, "Art was inspired by nature, a work of art differs from nature because an artist will transform nature into art."?
Marcus Fabius Quintilian
Winslow Homer's, Shore and Surf (above), is an example of how artists take elements from the environment to _____________
transform and represent their mood and messages.
Which of the following is not likely an intention of Da Vinci's, when he created his work of art, entitled Old Man Contemplating the Flow of Water?
The man is of old-age because all great philosophers in history have been elderly.
The oil painting above entitled, The Dream, uses visual metaphor.
Hercules, the Great Warrior, and the history behind the saying, "an elephant never forgets," are both examples of what type of artistic inspiration?