A health care professional is explaining the adverse effects of digoxin (Lanoxin) to a patient. Which of the following is an adverse effect of the drug?
Cardiac dysrhythmias
A health care professional is caring for a patient who is hospitalized with chest pain. Patient instruction about drug and discharge planning should begin
as soon as possible
A health care professional caring for a patient who is taking acetaminophen (Tylenol), a nonopioid analgesic, and codeine, an opioid agonist for pain relief. These drugs interact together causing an additive effect. Which of the following is characteristics of additive drug interactions? (Select all that apply)
-Patients can achieve desired effects with the use of lower dosages. -Both drugs have similar action.
A health care professional is preparing to administer a parenteral drug to a patient. Which of the following drug is he preparing to give?
Heparin via subcutaneous injection.
An older adult patient who has hypertension is prescribed enalapril (Vasotec), a drug that is eliminated by the kidneys. Before the patient begins the drug, the health care professional should assess which of the following blood values?
Creatinine clearance
Infants are at risk for drug toxicity due to which of the following? (Select all that apply)
-Decreased liver enzymes -Reduced kidney perfusion -Reduced liver perfusion
A health care professional is obtaining a patient's health history. The patient states that he has no allergies but developed some mild itching while taking amoxicillin (Amoxil). Which of the following information should the health care professional explain to the patient?
Itching can indicate a hypersensitivity to amoxicillin.
Which of the following describes drugs that are in pregnancy risk category D? (Select all that apply)
-Require the use of contraception by women of childbearing age. -Can cause fetal malformation. -Can pass through the ambilical cord or the placenta to the fetus. -Require weighing potential benefits against possible risks.
Which of the following information should health care professionals consider when calculating drug dosages for infants and children compared with adults?
Older children can have faster metabolic rate than adults.
A health care professional is caring for a patient who is having cardiac dysrhythmias and is taking digoxin (Lanoxin). The health care professional should recognize that which of the following routes of administration has the fastest rate of absorption?
Intravenous (IV)
A healthcare professional obtaining a patient's health history discovers that the patient is takes loratadine (Claratin), an over-the counter drug. Which of the following information about over-the counter drug is correct? (Select all that apply)
-They do not require supervision of a health care professional. -They can interact with other drugs. -They should be included in the drug history assessment.
A patient who reports chronic pain states that his fentanyl (Duragesic) topical patch is not longer effective for pain relief. The health care professional should suspect which of the following?
Tolerance to the drug.
A health care professional is caring for a patient who has a history of renal insufficiency and is taking lithium carbonate (Lithobid). The health care professional should monitor which of the following?
Drug toxicity