Running head: BRITISH AIRWAYS British Airways Teresa C. Johnson MGT 3113 System Approach to Organizational Change July 17, 2011 Mid-Continent University British Airways From the perspective of organizational development, there should be a planned effort to increase the organizational effectiveness and health. On the other hand the wild cat strike happened because there was forced imposition. There was a one-sided decision taken to introduce swipe cards. It was unplanned because it was introduced at the start of the summer quarter when they had it has one of its busiest quarters.

From the perspective of sense making, management needs to be aware of the key elements that are important to the situation. In BA the management did not form an awareness of key element; they did not realize that the move was being interpreted to manipulate their working patterns. The management did not understand the importance of not introducing an unpopular system before the peak season. Finally, this was not a decision made by examining different alternatives and evaluating them properly. This was an ad hoc decision taken by the management without considering its consequences.

From the point of view of change management, there strength of organizational dissatisfaction, vision for the future and possibility of immediate, tactical action must be stronger than the resistance within the organization. The employees did not want the change, they felt that the swipe system would be used to manipulate their working patterns and shift hours. From the perspective of contingency, the management is supposed to identify what can go wrong in the given situation. The BA management had not planned for the event that the imposition of the swipe card would lead to refusal by workers of the swipe card resulting in a strike.

From the point of view of process, it is necessary for the management to methodologically study the process of employee decision making, employee concerns about swipe cards and reason for rising absenteeism. The management did not study the mood of the employees, the effect of lack of consultation, poor pay rates and dissatisfaction with the management. From the perspective of organizational development, I would make sure the event is more planned and communicate to the employees so that they are taken into consideration with the decision.

From the perspective of sense making I would make the management understand the key elements. Then I would make management come up with alternatives before making a decision. From the perspective of change management, I will recommend that BA management should first set a vision for the organization, then it must assess the dissatisfaction with the current system, next it must suggest tactical action that is acceptable to the employees and then suggest action.

From the perspective of contingency, I would recommend that the BA officials should assess all the contingencies that are possible because of the change and should develop risk reduction strategies. From the perspective of process, I would recommend that the BA management should methodically study the process of employee decision making and evaluate the manner in which the management action will affect the process of decision making of BA management. References Palmer, I, . Dunford, R. , & Akin, G. , (2009) Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (2ed. ) New York: McGraw Hill.