3 sections of the small intestine (explain
duodenum-where digestive juices from the pancrese and liver mix together, releases amylase(responsible for breaking down starches into sugar) jejunum-major role in the absorption of digestive products,compromises much of the surface area of the small intestine and does much of the work ileum-
Adomnial cavity contains(3 things)
-Gastrointestinal system Genital system Urinary system
Solid organs Vs hollow organs
Damage to solid cuases shock , whie daamge to hollow causes contents to leak and contaminate abdominal cavity Solid organ: Liver Spleen Pancreas Kidneys Ovaries Hollow organ: Gallbladder Somach Small intesetine Large intestine Urinary Bladder
Colon(use and explain)
-Food that isn't used comes here -Peristalsis moves waste through intestines -WAter is absorbed -Stool is formed
-No digestive function -Part of the lymphatic system assists in filtering blood develops red blood cells blood reservior produce antibodies
-lie on posterior wall of abdomen -regulate acidity and blood rpessure -rid body of toxic waste -blood flow is high in kidneys -plays a mjoar orle in homeostasis -eliminate waste from blood
The lining of the abdominal cavity -covers abdominal organs -parietal peritoneum lines abdominal cavity -supplied by same taht supply skin of abdomen -visceral peritoneum covers organs -supplied by autonomic nervous system -Foregin material can irritate peritoneum
-irritation of peritoneum and typically causes ileus -Ileus:Paralysis of uscular contractions -retained gas and feces cause distention -stomach empties by emesis(vomiting) Pain:anywhere in hte abdominal area
Diverticulitis and Cholecystitis(explain)
-Diverticulitis:inflammation of abnormal pockets at weak areas in lining of colon -caused by fecal matter that gets caught in colon walls -fever ,malaise ,body aches,chills Pain:left lower quadrant Cholecystitis:inflammation of the gallbladder Pain:right upper quadrant;right shoudler(referred)
-Protective layer of mucus lining erodes -May lead to gastric bleeding -Some heal without intervention Pain:Upper midabdomen or upper part of back
-Gallbladder stores digestive juices and waste from liver -Gallstones may form and block outlet -cuase pain -lead to cholecystitis
Inflammation of the pancrease -caused by obstructing gallstone,alcohol abuse, or other disease signs and symptoms -referred back pain ,nausea, vomiting,abdominal distention -sepsis or hemorrhage may occur Pain:Upper abdomen(both Quadrants)'back
inflammation or infection in the appendix nausea ,vomiting,fever ,chills Symptom: Right lower quadrant(direct);aroudn naval;rebounding pain(pain felt after palpation
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage(explain)
-bleeding within gastrointestinal tract may be acute or chronic
-Lining of esophagus becomes inflamed by infection or acids from the stomach -pain in swallowign ,heartburn,nausea,vomiting,sores in mouth
Esophageal varices (explain)
-capillary network in eophagus leaks -fatigue ,weight loss,jaundice,anorexia
Mallory-Weiss syndrome (explain)
-Junction between esophagus and stomach tears causign severe bleeding -vomiting is principal symptom
-infection from bacterial or viral organisms in contaminated food or water -Diarrhea
-created by swelling and inflammation of blood vessels surrounding rectum -bright red blood during defecation
bladder infection , common(UTI) -caused by bacterial infection -becomes serious if infection spreads to kidneys -reports of urgency and frequency of urination pain:lower midabdomen
acute vs chronic kidney failure
Acute -sudden decrease in kidney function -reversible with prompt diagnosis and treatment chronic -irreversible -progressive ,develops over months/years -eventually dialysis or transplant is required
-Protrusion of an organ through an opening into a body cavity where it does not belong -may not always produce noticeable mass or lump -strangulation is a serious medical emergency Signs and symptoms -a formerly reducibl mass that is no longer reducible -pain at the hernia stie -tenderness when the hernia is palpated -red or blue skin discoloration Pain:anywhere in the abdominal area
The ___ lies in the retroperitoneal space -liver -pancrease -stomach -small intestine
Which of the following is not a solid organ liver spleen kidney gallbladder
A 34 year old woman with a recent history of pelvic inflammatory disesae presents with acute sever abdominal pain. Her abdomen is distended and diffusely ender to palpation. Based on yoru findings thus far,you should suspect: Peritonitis pancreatitis appendicitis cholecystitis
Most Patients with an acute abdomen present with: dyspnea diarrhea hypotension tachycardia
Which of the following signs or symptoms would you be the Least likely to find in a patient with an acute abdomen? Rapid,shallow breathing Soft,nondistended abdomen Tachycardia and restlessness Constipation or diarrhea
Soft,nondistended abdomen
A condition in which a person experiences a loss of appetite is called: Ileus colic emesis anorexia
The medical term for inflamation of hte urinary bladder is: cystitis nephritis cholecystitis diverticulitis
If a hernia is incarcerated and the contents are so greatly compressed that circulation is compromised ,the hernia is said to be: reduced ruptured strangulated hypoxemic
A 70 yr old man presents with an acute onset of severe ,tearing abdominal pain that radiates to his back. HIs BP is 88/66 mm Hg ,pulse rate is 120 beats/min, and respirations are 26 breaths/min.Treatment for this patient should include: Rapid transport to the hospital fim palpation of the abdomen placing him in a sitting position oxygen at 4L/min via nasal cannula
rapid transport to the hospital
In which position do most patients with acute abdominal pain prefer to be transported? Sitting with head elevated 45degree supine with ther legs elevated 12' on their side with their knees flexed Fowler's position with their legs straight
On their side with their knees flexed