Which was true about the Plains Indians ?
They were a complex of tribes, cultures, and bands that assigned most work on the basis of gender.
The socioeconomic life of the Plains tribes revolved around...
The buffalo
The sand creek massacre of 1864 was led by
John Chivington
Which of the following phrases describes the journey for most settlers westward?
All members of the journey had tasks to fulfill on the trail
What was one of the results of the rapid increase in cultivated acreage during the latter half of the nineteenth century?
Lower prices for farm products
Approximately 50 percent of cowboys driving the great herds from Texas to city markets in the 1870s were
African Americans and Mexicans
How did the Dawes Severalty Act try to civilize the Indians ?
By turning them into landowning ranchers and farmers
A common sight for pioneers heading west on the Oregon and other trails was
Piles of trash discarded by previous travelers.
Why did the number of Chinese immigrants fall drastically in the late nineteenth century?
The Chinese Execution Act of 1882 suspended immigration of Chinese laborers.
After 1851 which was not a factor in the US government abandonment of the policy of one large reservation?
Indians had traditional rivalries and needed to be kept apart.
Which of the following tribes did not live on the Great Plains
How did barbed wire transform the lives of farmers on the Great Plains
It allowed farmers to pen their animals and keep other animals off their land.
Beginning in 1871 the U.S. Government
Stopped dealing with Native American tribes as sovereign nations.
Frederick Jackson Turner was
The historian who first developed the frontier thesis.
Why was the Grange originally founded in 1867?
To provide social, cultural, and education activities for farmers.
The final blow to Native American tribal life on the plains was
The extermination of the buffalo herds.
What was significant about the Big Bonanza?
It was the richest discovery in the history of mining.
The first major industry to attract large numbers to the west was
Which of the following tribes were peaceful farmers and herdsmen?
The pueblos
On the Great Plains rainfall averaged
Less than 20 inches a year.
What does the following quote mean with regard to western migration? "The quest for something new would take place in the context of the very familiar."
People made every effort to keep their migration experience as familial as possible, including traveling in family groups.
The first migrations westward
Rushed to Oregon and California
The so called final fling of settlement on the frontier occurred in
Which of the following best describes the Plains tribes ?
Nomadic and warlike
How did the national reclamation act help settlement in the west ?
In financed ligation projects, such as dams and canals, which brought water the to the area.
After the buffalo the most important animal to the plains Indians was the
Why did most settlers move west between 1870 and 1900?
To improve their economic situation
What was the debate in the 1860s between whites in the east and whites in the west over what to do about native Americans ?
Easterners wanted a peaceful policy of assimilation, while those in the west who feared attacks wanted a firmer control over Native Americans.
In 1865 the number of Native Americans living in the west was
What was challenging about settling the land west of the Mississippi River in the late 1800s?
The region got little rainfall and there was little lumber available for housing.
By the late 1880s, a popular new cult among the Native American plains tribes was
The ghost dance
Why did instant cities arise in the west in the late 19th century
People rushed to the west for economic opportunities and cities sprang up quickly.
Why did the homestead act of 1862 fail?
The land allotments were insufficient for farming arid land.
The 1902 federal law to use the proceeds from land sales to finance irrigation projects in the west was
The national reclamation act
How do the views of new western historians contrast with Frederick Jackson turners thesis about the westward migration?
Turner saw the migration as a wave of white migrants who traveled west, but new historians look at it as a set of various groups moving in many directions and interacting with eachother.
What was true about government policy toward native Americans in the 1860s ?
It ignored or opposed tribal organization
Why is it inaccurate to say that everyone traveled westward to settle the American West in the 1870s and 1880s?
Because Mexicans traveled north and Asians traveled east to settle in the West
By 1880, there were approximately ________ Native Americans in California.
By the late nineteenth century, ranching was changing in each of the following ways EXCEPT:
Ranches were getting larger.
The individual largely responsible for developing the "trail drive" was
Joseph G. McCoy
Which of the following stimulated the western cattle industry?
railroads and a population increase in the eastern United States
Which of the following was NOT part of the national government's policy toward Native Americans from the early 1870s to the mid 1880s?
assimilating Native Americans into urban life
In the 1850s, government policy toward the Plains tribes was to
define boundaries for each tribe and sign treaties with them.
A dominant issue in the western Great Plains was control of
Why was the late-nineteenth century southwestern frontier largely Spanish American?
The heavy Spanish influence there was due to the original Spanish settlers.
The origins of the western cattle industry lay in
Which were the largest landowners in the West?
railroad companies
What was the primary cause of the increase of farmers in the West after the Civil War?
the belief in economic opportunity by many Americans
Why were some American reformers against segregating Native Americans on reservations?
They believed that Native Americans should be assimilated into white American culture.
Which of the following was, perhaps, the greatest Native American victory over the United States Army?
Battle of Little Big Horn