Which of the following did not play a crucial role in making Britain the site of the first Industrial Revolution?
Over ninety-five percent of the population was literate
The first steam-powered locomotive was pioneered by
Richard Trevithick
Which of the following statements describes early textile mills in England and Japan best?
Women furnished the labor and were supervised by men.
What did the dramatic increase in the size and number of European cities in the first half of the 19th century result in?
Increase in the industrial middle class
Japanese industrialists of the late 19th century
taught that egoism will disturb the social order.
taught that egoism will disturb the social order.
happened after 1860 and prior to World War I.
Which European country had not industrialized by 1900?
The new working class
often worked twelve to sixteen hours a day, six days a week.
Britain's Factory Act of 1833
reduced the number of children working in factories
Nineteenth century liberals advocated
voting rights only for male citizens who met certain property requirements.
All of the following are correct about nineteenth century Liberalism except
opposing limiting governmental power.
The key figure of Russian industrialization was
Sergei Witte.
was a potential threat to the existing political order.
Karl Marx believed that all of human history was the story of
the class struggle
Marxist revisionists believe that
workers should organize mass political parties.
Which of the following statements is not true about the revolutions of 1848 in Europe?
The overthrow of the tsar in Moscow initiated the series of upheavals.
The most multinational state in Europe in the nineteenth century, and thus the one most threatened by the new ideology of nationalism, was
The new Italian kingdom established in 1861
was, to a significant degree, the result of the diplomatic and political work of Cavour and the military actions of Garibaldi.
The "Eastern Question" in the nineteenth century concerned the fate of
the Ottoman Empire
Which of the following European countries avoided revolutionary upheaval in 1848?
The policies of Otto von Bismarck before 1871
ignored domestic opposition and concentrated on foreign affairs.
By 1871, all of the following are correct about Great Britain except
both political parties supported legislation to expand the right to vote.
Revolution and chaos were avoided in Britain during the nineteenth century by all except the
creation of a secret and effective secret political police unit, the "Peelers."
All of the following are correct about Russia in the nineteenth and early twentieth century except
Alexander III and Nicholas II continued Alexander II's reforms.
The territory annexed by Austria in 1908, which enraged Serbia, was
Bosnia and Herzegovina.