The history of health education as an emerging profession is just over ________ years old. A) 100 B) 500 C) 1,000 D) 5,000
It is assumed that the earliest humans initially learned to distinguish between things that were healthful and those that were harmful by ... A) divine intervention. B) instinct. C) inherited knowledge. D) trial and error.
Trial and Error
The oldest excavated sites, dating back 4000 years, which indicate bathrooms and drains were common were found in ... A) Rome. B) Mycenea. C) India. D) Syria.
The ________ is the oldest written document related to health care dating from around 1600 B.C. ... A) Biblical transcript B) Smith Papyri C) Egyptian Health Manifesto D) Code of Hammurabi
Smith Papyri
The ________ is the earliest written record concerning public health. A) Biblical transcript B) Smith Papyri C) Egyptian Health Manifesto D) Code of Hammurabi
Code of Hammurabi
The Egyptians were considered to be ... A) far more advanced in public health matters than the Greeks. B) the writers of the earliest health care documents. C) the founders of modern surgery. D) the healthiest people of their time.
The Healthiest People of their time
The first people to put as much emphasis on prevention of disease as on the treatment of disease conditions were the ... A) Egyptians. B) Hebrews. C) Greeks. D) Romans.
By the beginning of the 8th century B.C., Greek mythology had endowed ________ as the god of medicine. A) Asclepius B) Hygeia C) Mercury D) Zeus
The Greek physician credited as being the first epidemiologist and the father of modern medicine was ... A) Hippocrates. B) Asclepius. C) Panacea. D) Plato.
The staff and serpent symbol, which also marked early Greek temples of healing, is known as ... A) Hippocrates. B) Caduceus. C) Panacea. D) Plato.
Which period resulted in the human body being considered appropriate for study and the production of realistic anatomical drawings? A) Roman Empire B) Middle Ages C) Renaissance D) Age of Enlightenment
Hippocrates is known for all of the following contributions to the history of medicine EXCEPT ... A) the distinction between 'endemic' diseases and 'epidemic' diseases. B) the belief that health was the result of balance and disease the result of imbalance. C) the Code of Hammurabi. D) the Hippocratic Oath.
The Code of Hammurabi
The early society most famous for building sewage systems, water supply systems, baths, and other health facilities was the ... A) Egyptians. B) Greeks. C) Romans. D) Saxons.
Which great epidemic during the Middle Ages resulted in the most discrimination and isolation of its victims? A) Syphilis B) Bubonic plague C) Leprosy D) Smallpox
One of the prevailing beliefs of the origin of ________ was that dead bodies of diseased soldiers were catapulted into a besieged city. A) syphilis B) bubonic plague C) leprosy D) smallpox
Bubonic Plague
During the Renaissance period, much surgery and dentistry was performed by ... A) physicians and dentists. B) nurse midwifes. C) surgeons trained only by apprenticeship. D) barbers.
The Middle Ages can be characterized as a time ... A) of health advances B) when many health advancements were lost. C) focused on disease prevention efforts. D) emphasizing naturalistic and holistic approaches.
when many health advancements were lost
During which period did the concept of disease contagion become more universally accepted? A) Roman Empire B) Middle Ages C) Renaissance D) Age of Enlightenment
Middle Ages
During the 1700s the "miasmas theory" held that ... A A) disease was caused when vapors rising from rotting refuse were inhaled. B) an imbalance of the mind, body, and spirit caused disease. C) disease was caused by four humours: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. D) parasites in the water caused most disease.
Disease was caused when vapors rising from rotting refuse were in haled.
Who proposed the germ theory of disease? A) Robert Koch B) Louis Pasteur C) Joseph Lister D) Edwin Chadwick
Louis Pasteur
The first national voluntary health agency established in 1902 was the ... A) American Cancer Society. B) American Heart Association. C) Sanitary Commission of Massachusetts. D) National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
Passage of the 1798 Marine Hospital Services Act established a structure that eventually evolved into today's ... A) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. B) U.S. Public Health Service. C) National Institutes of Health. D) U.S. Marine Corps.
U.S. Public Health Service
The federal government's involvement in social issues including health began with passage of the ... A) Medicare Act. B) Medicaid Act. C) Ransdell Act. D) Social Security Act.
Social Security Act
________ was created to assist in the payment of medical bills for the elderly. A) Medicare B) Medicaid C) Social security D) Health insurance
The first national effort to promote the health of citizens through a more preventative approach that paved the way for such efforts in the United States took place in what country? A) Australia B) England C) Germany D) Canada
The three overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 focus on ... A) living longer lives, eliminating disparities, and promoting quality of life B) increasing public awareness, critical research, and length of life. C) living longer lives, access to health care, and evidence based practice. D) providing performance standards for the public, development of a foundation for public health preparedness, and increasing public awareness.
living longer lives, eliminating disparities, and promoting quality of life
The most recent set of national health objectives for the United States is titled ... A) Healthy People 2000. B) Healthy People 2010. C) Healthy People 2020. D) Healthy People 2030.
Healthy People 2020
The initiative to develop performance standards, collect, monitor, and analyze data, and ultimately improve public health practice is known as the ... A) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Practice Guidelines. B) National Public Health Performance Standards. C) U.S. Public Health Service Evaluation Program. D) National Public Health Accountability and Assessment Effort.
National Public Health Performance Standards
Among her many accomplishments, Miss Sally Lucas Jean was ultimately responsible for ... A) writing the first health objectives for the United States. B) changing the name from hygiene education to health education. C) chairing a presidential commission on health education. D) developing the first health education curriculum.
changing the name from hygiene education to health education
What happened during World War I that provided the impetus for widespread acceptance of school health education as a field in its own right? A) The incidence of tuberculosis increased rapidly. B) School health was required of all children for the first time. C) Too many young men were unfit for service. D) The first college program for health education was established.
too many young men were unfit for service
Which of the following best represents the results of the School Health Education Study conducted by Dr. Elena Sliepcevich? A) Health attitudes and behaviors among the students surveyed were excellent. B) Content knowledge among students surveyed was high. C) The results were appalling, with numerous misconceptions about health at all levels. D) The results indicated good fitness and tobacco behaviors, but poor nutrition behaviors.
The results were appalling, with numerous misconceptions about health at all levels.
Eight interactive components working together to enhance the health and well-being of the students, faculty, staff, and community within a school district are known as ... A) Comprehensive School Health Education. B) a Coordinated School Health Program. C) a Complete School Health Integration Program. D) a Regulated School Health Plan.
a Coordinated School Health Program
The most recent school health publication focused on improving educational achievement for all students and improved health for the United States is the ... A) Standards for Health Literacy. B) School Health Advisory Council Handbook. C) Coordinated School Health Program Guidebook D) National Health Education Standards.
National Health Education Standards
The coordinated school health concept has dominated the school health arena but has failed to reach its full potential in most schools because ... A) the recess before lunch concept has been a priority. B) the leadership to promote and coordinate school health programs is lacking. C) the program is too prescriptive for most administrators to implement. D) it lacks federal support.
the leadership to promote and coordinate school health programs is lacking
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ... A) expands healthcare to millions of uninsured Americans. B) will limit opportunities for health education specialists to promote health. C) focuses on providing affordable health education for high risk teens. D) will protect patients from physicians who fail to employ high standards of care.
expands healthcare to millions of uninsured Americans