Conquerors who settled on the Islands of Hispaniola
Jacques Carter
French explorer who discovered the St. Lawrence River; claimed much of present day Canada for France
Ruled Spain's colonies in the name of the Spanish Monarchs
Take financial risks to make profit
Aztec emperor
Pirates who operated with the approval of European governments
Founded countries for profit/wealth for the mother country
Hernan Cortes
Cuban land owner who conquered the Aztecs
Middle Passage
Africans transported to the Americas
System used to force Native Americans to labor under brutal conditions
Who did Cortes form alliances with to take down the Aztec Empire?
Malinche, who served as a translator
Which conquistador added lands of present day Peru, Ecuador, and Chile?
Francisco Pizzaro
At the top of the Spanish colonial society where what?
What land became part or Portugal's empire due to the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494?
Why did the population of New France grow slowly?
Faced with harsh climates, death, hunger, disease, hypothermia
Colonies of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were mainly set up as what?
Havens for persecuted religious groups
What did the first leg of the Triangular Trade bring?
Goods exchanged for slaves
What is the estimated number of Africans that died during the African Slave Trade?
2 million
What mercantilist policy was designed to protect local industries from foreign competition?
Protective tariff
How did Malinche influence the early history of the Americas?
She serves as Cortes' translator and advisor. She told Cortes how the Aztecs gained power, giving him an idea of how to reach alliances with groups of people conquered by the Aztecs. She had an influence on turning Natives against the Aztec empire.
Why do you think more Spanish priests did not condemn the encomienda system, as Bartolome de las Casa did?
Las Casa did not care about the money, he viewed it as immoral. Spanish priests wanted free labor, and the money made from the goods went directly back to the church. The benefits outweighed the immorality of the encomienda system.
Why did Britain and France fight a war in North America in the mid-1700s? How was North America affected by the peace treaty at the end of the war?
Britain wanted land owned by the French, so the French and Indian War took place. With the Treaty of Paris, Britain had complete dominance, and the Louisiana Territory was forced from the French to the Spanish. If Britain were to have lost, the colonies would have never been created.