After squeezing the end of a child's finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within:
2 seconds
Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor of SIDS?
putting a baby to sleep on his or her back
Critical burns in children include:
partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the body surface
The MOST ominous sign of impending cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is:
Compared to adults, the liver and spleen of pediatric patients are more prone to injury and bleeding because they are
proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly.
Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an unconscious infant or child, you must:
ensure that the airway is patent and clear of obstructions.
Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct?
They can usually identify painful areas when questioned
Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler:
at the feet
Febrile seizures are MOST common in children between:
6 months and 6 years
Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called
An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. She is conscious, but clearly restless. Her heart rate is 130 beats/min and her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min. She is receiving high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask. You should:
be prepared to assist her ventilations, transport at once, and request an ALS intercept en route to the hospital
When immobilizing an injured child in a pediatric immobilization device, you should
secure the torso before the head
After using the PAT to form your general impression of a sick or injured child, you should:
perform a hands-on assessment of the ABCs.
Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct?
If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement of the head
Immediate transport is indicated for a child when he or she:
has a history suggestive of a serious illness
Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct?
Children have a larger, rounder occiput compared to adults
A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after playing with a small toy. You should:
perform abdominal thrusts
Burns in children are commonly caused by all of the following, EXCEPT:
entrapment in a structural fire
If a nasopharyngeal airway is too long, it may
stimulate the vagus nerve.
The purpose of the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) is to:
allow you to rapidly and visually form a general impression of the child.
When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen:
he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults
When a child experiences a blunt chest injury
the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking
A 4-year-old female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. Your assessment reveals that she is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and has skin burns around her mouth. You should:
monitor her airway and give oxygen
When questioning the parent of a child who ingested a poisonous substance, which of the following questions would be of LEAST pertinence?
why did your child ingest the poison?
Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct?
Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries
When administering oxygen to a frightened child, it would be MOST appropriate to:
place oxygen tubing through a hole in a paper cup.
Which of the following children would benefit the LEAST from a nonrebreathing mask?
an unresponsive 5-year-old male with shallow respirations
The signs and symptoms of poisoning in children:
vary widely, depending on the child's age and weight
Which of the following statements regarding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is correct?
Most cases of SIDS occur in infants younger than 6 months
You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. He is not moving and does not appear to be conscious or breathing. You should:
stabilize his head and open his airway.
The secondary assessment of a sick or injured child:
may not be possible if the child's condition is critical
The pediatric patient should be removed from his or her car seat and secured to an appropriate spinal immobilization device if:
the car seat is visibly damaged
If a nasopharyngeal airway is too long, it may:
stimulate the vagus nerve
Greenstick fractures occur in infants and children because:
their bones bend more easily than an adult's.
The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and:
a rash
Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20-kg child?
20 g
You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. The patient, an 18-month-old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Her skin is pink and dry, and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. The MOST appropriate treatment for this child includes:
administering blow-by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother.
Signs of severe dehydration in an infant include all of the following, EXCEPT:
slowed level of activity.
Hyperthermia differs from fever in that it is an increase in body temperature
caused by inability of the body to cool itself
When caring for an infant who was found apneic and cyanotic and was resuscitated by the parent or caregiver, you should
transport the infant to the hospital.
The MOST common cause of dehydration in children is
vomiting and diarrhea.
When caring for an ill 5-year-old male, you should
avoid separating him from his parents or caregivers when possible.
Pale skin in a child indicates that the
blood vessels near the skin are constricted.
A tube from the brain to the abdomen that drains excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is called a
Causes of infant death that may be mistaken for SIDS include all of the following, EXCEPT:
Which of the following factors is associated with the lowest risk of meningitis?
Female gender
Because a tracheostomy tube bypasses the nose and mouth
secretions can build up in and around the tube
Death caused by shaken baby syndrome is usually the result of
intracranial bleeding
Which of the following should make you MOST suspicious for child abuse?
Bruises in various stages of healing
Children with Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) would MOST likely present with
cherry-red spots or a purplish rash
When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that
they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure
The first month of life after birth is MOST appropriately referred to as the
neonatal period
An infant's fontanels should close completely by the time he or she is
18 months
When caring for a child with suspected meningitis, it is MOST important for the EMT-B to
adhere to BSI precautions
A child may begin to show signs of stranger anxiety as early as
12 months
Common complications associated with central intravenous (IV) lines include all of the following, EXCEPT:
rupture of a central vein
Bruising to the _______ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse.
With regard to the legal implications of child abuse
EMT-Bs must report all suspected cases of child abuse
The primary mechanism that a child's body uses to compensate for decreased perfusion is
an increase in heart rate
Which of the following statements regarding use of the pneumatic antishock garment (PASG) in children is MOST correct?
They are rarely used in treating children with traumatic shock.
During the attempted resuscitation of an infant with suspected SIDS
allow the family to observe if they wish
Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with
A 13-year-old child is on a home ventilator. The parents called because the ventilator is malfunctioning. You should
discontinue the ventilator and ventilate with a BVM device
Compared to an adult, the diaphragm dictates the amount of air that a child inspires because the
intercostal muscles are not well developed.
When assessing an 8-year old child, you should
talk to the child not just the caregiver
When caring for a female child who has possibly been sexually abused, you should
have a female EMT-B accompany her if possible.
When a child is struck by a car, the area of the greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the
size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact
Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT:
sunken fiontanels
Common causes of seizures in children include all of the following, EXCEPT
Which of the following is MORE common in children than in adults following a head injury?
Nausea and vomiting
The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ____ breaths per minute.
if a situation allows a child should be transported in a carseat if he or she weighs less than
40 pounds
which of the following statements regaurding the use of nasopharyngeal airways in children is correct?
they are rarely used in infants younger than 1 year of age
when assessing the heart rate of a 6 month old infant you should palpate the brachial pulse or the
femoraL pulse
which of the following is least suggestive of child abuse
consistantcing in the method of injury reported by the caregiver
components of the PAT are
appearance, work of breathing, and skin circulation
all of the following are normal findings in an infant or child except
head bobbing
a normal LOC in an infant or child is characterized by
age appropriate behavior, good muscle tone, and good eye contact
before positioning an infant or childs airway you should
place him/her on a firm surface
signs of upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following except
newborn vitals
0-1 month resp: 30-60 pulse rate: 100-160
infant vitals
1 month-1 year resp: 25-50 pulse rate: 100-160
toddler vitals
1-3 years resp: 20-30 pulse rate: 90-150
preschool vitals
3-6 years resp: 20-25 pulse rate: 80-140
school-age vitals
6-12 years resp: 15-20 pulse rate: 70-120
adolescent vitals
12-18 years resp: 12-20 pulse rate: 60-100
Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)
15-30 sec visual assessment appearance, work of breathing, circulation of skin forms general impression
BP of 1-10 year olds
70 + (2 x age) = systole
signs of shock in kids
AMS tachycardia poor cap refill
JumpSTART triage
pt younger than 8 and less than 100 lbs Green: minor/ able to walk (except infants) Yellow: delayed trt; spontaneous breathing, radial pulse present, responsive to painful stimuli Red: immediate trt; resp less than 15 or greater than 45, apnea responsive to position and rescue breathing, resp failure, breathing w/o pulse, inappropriate painful response Black: deceased; apneic w/o pulse, apneic and unresponsive to rescue breaths
Consistency of injury with child's age History inconsistent with injury Inappropriate parental concern Lack of supervision Delay in seeking care Affect Bruises of varying ages Unusual injury patterns Suspicious circumstances Environment clues
Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE)
cyanosis apnea distinct change in muscle tone choking or gagging