the right to vote
a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)
all of the people entitled to vote in a given election
they allowed each state the power to set suffrage qualifications.
what did the framers of the constitution purposely do?
white male property owners
in 1789 when the constitution went into effect who was allowed to vote in the US?
benjamin franklin
what famous person did not approve with who had the right to vote?
how old do you have to be to vote in the US?
1. the gradual elimination of restrictions to the right to vote. 2. the federal government has grdually assume greater power in determining the right to vote.
what are the two long term trends that have characterized the history of suffrage?
religious beliefs, property ownership, sex, race, tax payment
in the past what were some restrictions that influenced who was allowed to vote?
the states
who did the federal government take power from when they revised voting rights?
the growth of the american electorate has develop from how many stages
1. in the 1800s states began eliminating religious qualifications to vote. then they eliminated property ownership and tax payment qualifications. adult white males could vote in almost every state. 2. the 15th amendment protected the right to vote from being denied because of race or color. african americans continued to be denied the right to vote despite the 15th amendment. 3. the 19th amendement prohibited being denied the right to vote becaus of sex. 4. federal legislation and court decisions focused on granting african americans rights in the electoral process. the voting rights act of 1965 was passed and enforced this allowed african americans to really participate in the electorate throughout the nation. the 23rd and 24th amendments were passes that allowed voting in the district of columbia and eliminated the poll tax in all federal elections. 5. the 26th amendment states that no state can set the minimum age of voting at more than 18.
what are the five stages of growth of the american electorate?
1. any person whom the states allows to vote can vote for any election within a state. 2. no state can deny the right to vote on accout of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. 3. no state can deny the right to vote on account of sex. 4. no state can require payment of any tax as a condition for taking part in electing a federal officeholder. 5. no state can deny the right to vote to anyone at least 18 years of age.
what are the five restrictions that the constitution places on how the states set suffrage?
it found that other voting rights were protected by the constitution such as the 14th amendement which is the equal protection clause.
what was the impact of the hill vs stone court case?
no the states do but the constitution places restrictions on how the states set suffrage qualifications.
Does the federal govenment have the right to set suffrage qualifications.
protects citizens from being denied the right to vote because of race, color, or previous servitude.
what right does the 15th amendment grant?
it prohibits the denial of the right to vote because of sex.
what right does the 19th amendment grant?
allows citizens of the district of columbia to vote in the presidential electorate
what right does the 23rd amendment grant?
eliminates the poll tax and any other tax as a condition for voting in a federal election.
what right does the 24th amendement grant?
prohibits states from depriving any person who is at least 18 years of age of the right to vote because of age.
what right does the 26th amendment grant?