Historians use the term BCE to mean ____.
Before the Common Era.
The term ____includes all of human existence prior to the emergence of writing.
Prehistory includes all of human existence prior to the development of _____.
written records
Prehistoric art is one of the most speculative areas of the history because...
there are no written records, objects probably had multiple meaning, and only fragments of the work still exist.
Archaeologists link the emergence of image making to the arrival of ____.
Homo sapiens sapiens
What mythical subject first appeared in the prehistoric rock art in Western Arnhem Land, Australia?
Rainbow Serpent
The word "Paleolithic" means _____.
Old Stone
The word "Neolithic" means ____.
New Stone
The transitional period between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods is sometimes called the _____ period.
Mesolithic period
Current scholarship suggests that early stone tools functioned socially as ______.
status symbols
The discovery of large numbers of hand-axes at sites such as Olorgesailie in Kenya has led scholars to believe these objects served as______.
a reflection of an individual's skills, status, or social standing.
Homo sapiens appeared on the earth ____ years ago.
_____ evidence shows that modern humans moved from Africa, across Asia, into Europe, and finally to Australia and the Americas between 100,000 and 35,000 years ago.
When did Representational images begin appearing in Australia, Africa, and Europe?
Approximately 40,000 years ago.
Much of what we know about prehistoric people is based on the ____ found in archeological sites.
artifacts, art and fossils.
The evolutionary origin of art can be traced to the development of humans to _____.
Think symbolically
Where does the world's earliest piece of art come from?
South Africa
The world's earliest pieces of art were probably used as ____.
Prehistoric people often coated their floors with powdered _______.
Which feature has been found in Paleolithic architecture?
A stone hearth
As long ago as _____ BCE, figurines of people and animals appeared.
The Lion-Human sculpture from Hohlenstein-Stadel, Germany is made of _____.
Mammoth Ivory
Figures such as the Woman of Willendorf may have functioned to communicate ____ among differing groups of Paleolithic peoples.
shared values and friendliness
The woman from Willendorf was created from____.
A recent theory posits that the small-scale human figures common in the Paleolithic period may have been sculpted by _______.
Pregnant Women
Small-scale female sculptures from the Upper Paleolithic period were once called _____ figures, which implied a religious association, although this has not yet been proven.
The Woman from Brassempouy captures the true essence of a head, also called the ________.
memory image
The earliest know prehistoric cave painting site was discovered in 1994 and is called ____.
Where is Chauvet Cave located?
southern France
The earliest known cave paintings date to approximately _____ BCE.
All of the interpretations of cave paintings are current today except:
cave paintings were expression of sympathetic magic meant to ensure success in hunting
Prehistoric humans included ____ along with images of animals in cave paintings.
Handprints at the cave at Pech-Merle were probably created using what technique?
spraying paint onto the cave wall
How do archaeologists believe this cave painting was made?
by blowing pigment around stencils.
The cave of Lascaux is in the country of _____.
The animals at Lascaux are painted in a system known as ______, which shows horns, eyes, and hoofs from the front, while heads and bodies are rendered in profile.
Composite Pose
What term describes the artist's rendering of these figures to emphasize their most characteristic features?
Composite pose
Prehistoric cave painting was an unknown art form until the 1879 discovery of a cave in ____in northern Spain.
The artists of Altamira used the ______ in the cave walls and ceilings to show the form of the animal.
Sculpture in the Round
freestanding sculptures
not freestanding and meant to be viewed from one side only. Project from the background, raised from the surface.
Low Relief (bas-relief)
projection from the surrounding surface is slight
High Relief
When the sculptured elements project by at least half their depth from the background. Emerges from the background.
The Sculpted Bison at Le Tuc d'Audoubert, France are created in _____ relief.
high relief
additive method of sculpture
subtractive method of sculpture
Current scholarship suggests that the early houses at Catalhoyuk functioned as _____.
Historical markers
What distinguishes the prehistoric houses found at Catalhoyuk from other sites discussed in this chapter?
Painted imagery on interior walls
The discoveries of stone foundations, human burials, and carved boulders lead archaeologists to speculate that Lepenski Vir _____.
temporary habitation associated with special rites and beliefs
These architectural structures used by Paleolithic people in Ukraine and the Neolithic culture at Catalhoyuk shared all of the following _____.
a fire pit or hearth for cooking, areas designated for different domestic activities, and evidence of aesthetic decoration of the interiors
What is a distinquishing feature of buildings that served specialized community functions at the prehistoric site of Sesklo, Greece?
They have stone foundations
Which method is the simplest form of construction used to span space?
Which of the prehistoric structure types typically employs the post-and-lintel method of spanning space?
Henges, like those at Durrington Walls in southern England
Most Neolithic architecture in Germany and central Europe consisted of wood posts supporting a central beam or _____.
Walls of woven branches that were covered with mud or clay, or _____ and _____ was a common building technique used in central Europe during the Neolithic period.
Wattle and Daub
Which Neolithic site is an example of a passage grave?
Newgrange, Ireland
In approximately 4000 BCE, Neolithic settlers began to build communities____.
On defensible sites
Megalithic means ____.
Large stone
Megalithic tomb architecture reflects _______ in Neolithic communities.
the importance of ritual performance
Recent analysis of the engraved linear design seen here at the passage grave at Newgrange suggests that these images ______.
rely on the viewer's perception for their meaning
Stonehenge was created in _____ phases of construction and activity, starting in 3000 BCE during the Neolithic Period and stretching over a millennium and a half into the Bronze Age.
Scholars see the transport of bluestones to Stonehenge from more than 150 miles away as a sign of ______.
connections to an ancestral homeland
Stonehenge was built in ___ and ____ construction.
The lintels of Stonehenge are secured by _____ and ____ joints.
Mortise-and-Tenon joints
Stonehenge was created _____.
as a site of ceremonies linked to death and burial
In approximately _____ BCE, prehistoric humans began firing clay in the form of vessels.
12,000 BCE
The age of metal made its European debut about _____BCE.
3000 BCE
The period that followed the debut of metalworking is generally known as the ____ Age.
What innovation led to increase of intergroup trade and shifting power relationships between communities in prehistoric culture?
The introduction of bronze
Bronze is an alloy of ___and___.
Tin and copper
The earliest use of metal objects was as _____.
This work could not have come from the Paleolithic period because it _____.
incorporates metal materials, and metallurgy had yet to be developed in the Paleolithic period.
Based on the text's discussion, what does Figure of a Woman from Romania tell us about Neolithic culture?
Tells us that human body was linked to human identity
More than 40,000 examples ____ produced during the Bronze Age have been found at sites in the northern Swedish region of Bohuslan.
Rock art
In the Stele of Naram-Sin, what artistic device is used to signal Naram-Sin's importance and reinforce his divine right to rule?
Hieratic Scale
The Greeks called ____ the "land between the rivers."
The most complete version found of the Epic of Gilgamesh was written in ____.
The Sumerians were defeated by their northern neighbors called the ____.
Gilgamesh was the legendary king of ____.
The most impressive surviving archeological remains of the Sumerians is the _____.
Stepped structures known as ziggurats may have developed from the practice of ____.
repeated rebuilding at sacred sites
Ziggurats functioned symbolically as _____.
bridges between earth and the heavens
Ziggurats in the ancient Near East were dedicated and glorified _____.
The Sumerians invented the first system of writing called___.
Mesopotamian sculptors told stories clearly and economically by organizing visual narratives in horizontal bands called____.
Sumerian votive figures were dedicated to the ___.
Sumerian votive figures possess large open ____ that reflect Mesopotamian devotional beliefs.
What original elements have been lost from the Warka Head?
Inlaid emerald eyes
Which animal appears in Mesopotamian art as a symbol of Power?
The Bull
The materials ___and____ were used to sculpt the elaborate bull head on a lyre found at a royal tomb in Ur.
Gold and Lapis Lazuli
The Great Lyre with Bull's Head was found in a royal _____.
Inlaid images on the sound box of the Great Lyre with Bull's Head probably relate to the theme of _____.
The image of Gudea, the ruler of Lagash, is well-known to students of Near Eastern art because of the twenty surviving ______ that he commissioned.
Votive Statues
The Stele of Hammurabi is significant as both a work of ancient Mesopotamian art and as ____.
A historical document recording a written code of law
The _____ of Hammurabi is made of diorite and stands almost seven feet tall.
A variety of colossal guardian figures, including two naturalistically rendered ____, were carved in high relief in the stone gates at the Hittite stronghold of Hattusha.
From the ninthto seventh century BCE, the _____ culture controlled most of Mesopotamia.
Guardian figures, called lamassus, combined features from all of the following _____.
a man, a god, an eagle and a lion or bull.
The ceremonial entrance to the city of Babylon was the _____ Gate.
Ishtar Gate
The notched walls built as part of military defenses are called ____.
The Neo-Babylonians used turquoise, blue, and gold ____ form the symbolic images covering the Ishtar Gate.
glazed bricksto
The ____, which Darious built at Persepolis, was large enough to hold several thousand people.
Apadana, Audience Hall
The relief of Darius and Xerxes Receiving Tribute exemplifies Persian art's emphasis on ____.
Economic prosperity
Egyptian History is divided into _____
The great Greek historian ____ said "Egypt is the gift of the Nile."
Prior to 3000 BCE, the country was divided into two lands, Upper Egypt in the ____ and Lower Egypt in the ____.
Upper=South Lower=North
Which object commemorates the unification of Egypt and signal the beginning of the dynastic period?
The Palette of Narmer
According to legend, the early Egyptian kings were gods who ruled on earth. The conventions governing ancient Egyptian art change ____ over its three-thousand year history.
very little
In the New Kingdom, the primary national gods were ____, _____, and _____.
Amun, Ra and Ptah
Scholars determined the name of the figures depicted on the Palette of Narmer from ____.
Scholars interpret the _____ as a representation of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Narmer Palette
The Egyptian life spirit or life force is called the ____.
A ____ is literally a "city of the dead"
King ____ commissioned the earliest known monumental architecture in Egypt.
_____ is the first architect known in history by name.
In Egyptian tombs, the ka statue was placed in a chamber called the____.
pectoral serdab
During the Early Dynastic period, the most common tomb structure was the ____.
Egypt's most famous pyramids are the ones at ____.
Canopic jars were special containers in tombs were used to hold _____.
Bodily organs
The oldest and largest pyramid at the Giza site is that of_____.
The great pyramids at Giza were originally faced with a veneer of polished ______.
After a king died, the body was embalmed and ferried across the Nile to the _____.
Funerary temple
The Great Sphinx is thought to be a portrait of ____.
In the Old Kingdom, rulers were typically portrayed as ____ figures, wearing the royal kilt and head cloth.
athletic and youthful
Standing figures in Egyptian art are typically shown _____.
In stride
Prominent individuals, who were not of royal descent, were typically represented in more _____ postures in Old Kingdom sculpture.
The tomb sculpture Butcher shows how servants were often depicted in involved poses and engaged with the viewer as a possible sign of their _____.
Which artistic device signals the higher social status of Ti in the painted relief Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt?
Hieratic Scale
Pictorial reliefs in tombs served to decorate tombs and carried ____ meaning.
In contrast to other periods of Egyptian history, some royal portraits from the Middle Kingdom appear ____.
preoccupied and emotionally drained
Beni Hasan on the east bank of the Nile is the site of many ____.
rock-cut tombs
Tomb chambers, well as ornamental columns, lintels, false doors and niches, were carved into ____ at the site of Beni Hasan on the east bank of the Nile.
solid rock
While the construction materials for tombs was very durable, ancient Egyptians used simple ____ for more ordinary dwellings.
mud bricks
Egyptians who could not afford elaborate tombs commissioned funerary ____ as personal monuments meant to memorialize them and to inspire the living to make them offerings.
The Stele of the Sculptor Userwer includes five bands of hieroglyphics above two ____ filled with images of Userwer and his family members.
Egyptian sculptors relied on ____ to guide them in proportioning the human figures when carving reliefs.
a squared grid
The first ruler to call himself pharaoh was ____.
Thutmose III
Because the temple was the home of the god, originally, the temple had the form of a ____.
Architects of the New Kingdom expanded earlier temple designs to include all of the following features:
a massive pylon gateway, a peristyle court and a hypostyle outer hall.
Although New Kingdom rulers built elaborate tombs, they also constructed monumental ____ that rival the pyramids of the Old Kingdom.
The ____ design of New Kingdom temples created a processional path from the outside to the inner sanctuary where only priests and kings were allowed.
Each of the separate areas of the Great Temple of Amun was separated by a massive _____ with tapering walls.
Where were ordinary people allowed to go in the Great Temple of Amun?
Hypostyle hall
The Great Hall at Karnak has massive ____capitals on the columns supporting the raised, center part of the roof.
The hypostyle hall at Karnak was filled with ____ decorated with painted pictorial reliefs and inscriptions.
The female pharaoh ____ left the great legacy of Egyptian monuments.
Sculptures portraying Hatshepsut as a _____ reflect the power of tradition and artistic convention in Egypt.
male king
Like most New kingdom temples, the Temple of Hatshepsut is built along an ____plan.
Historians refer to the reign of Akhenaten as the ____ period.
The ____ period saw dramatic changes in the conventions used in royal art.
What characterizes the Amarna style in art?
Physical distortion
Akhenaten and His Family is an example of ____ relief, in which the flat surface of the stone serves as a background and the outlines of figures are deeply incised.
The ____is the symbol of everlasting life.
Amenhotep IV changed his name to ____ to honor the life-giving sun deity Aten.
The sculptor ____ probably made the beautiful bust of Nefertiti as a model for sculptures or paintings of the queen.
King Tutankhamun's tomb was found in the ___.
Valley of the Kings
The archeologist who discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922 was Englishman Howard ____.
King Tut's mummified body was enclosed in three nested coffins with the innermost made of ____.
Egyptian glassmakers used the technique of ____ glass to produce early glass objects such as the Fish Shaped Perfume Bottle.
____ were moved moved to higher ground in the 1960s when the Aswan High Dam was built.
The Temples of Ramses II
The pharaoh ___ built temples out of the living rock at Abu Simbel.
Rameses II
An Egyptian convention used for representing the human figure was to show eyes and torsos _____.
Embalmers sometimes placed _____ in the wrappings of mummified bodies to help the dead survive the tests of Osiris.
Books of the Dead
The Egyptians believed that the seat of the soul was the ____.
Walls of the tomb of Queen Nefertari were covered with brilliantly colored _____.
The use of ____ paint for images of male figures was an Egyptian convention for distinguishing gender.
Encaustic portraits on mummies from the Fayum region show the influence of ____ art in Egypt's late period.
Mummies found in the Fayum region of Lower Egypt include highly detailed portraits in encaustic, a painting technique using hot colored _____.