Mesopotamian religion was
many deities were closely related to cities
The ancient city of Catal Huyuk was
a Neolithic walled community sustained by food surpluses
The Hittites played an important role in the history of the Middle East because they
transmitted Mesopotamian culture to the west, especially to the Mycenaean Greeks
All of the following are believed to be developments of the Paleolithic Age except
the regular production of food through agriculture
Punishments for crimes under the Code of Hammurabi
were more severe for the lower classes
Mesopotamia is located in the valley of the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers
The physical environment of the Mesopotamians generally led to
a pessimistic outlook with an emphasis on satisfying their angry gods
In ancient civilizations, bronze would replace copper because
bronze was harder and more durable
Which of the following statements best applies to the status of women in Mesopotamian society?
The woman's role was to be in the home and subservient to her husband
Which of the following is not true of Egyptian art?
It was largely individually expressive, illustrated by many identifiable artists
Which of the following is not true of Egyptian social life?
Marriages were based on love and personal attraction
The economy of ancient Egypt relied most heavily on
The Sumerian government
came to view kings as agents of their gods
The early Neolithic era saw
a slow transition from hunting and gathering to an agricultural society
In agrarian societies, an economic surplus is food which is
used to support a non-laboring elite
The first modern Homo sapiens
first appeared in Africa between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago
The focal points and sources of life for the ancient Egyptians were the
Nile River and the pharaohs
The Epic of Gilgamesh teaches that
human life is difficult and immortality is only for the gods
Unlike the rivers in Mesopotamia, the Nile River
floods predictably at the same time every year
The term "civilization" refers to human societies which, amongst other features,
have an urban focus and a distinct religious structure