1. Developmentally appropriate practices result from educational decisions based on
D. All of the answers are correct.
2. Publication of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) was an outcome of efforts undertaken by the
B. National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
3. The guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) are based, in part, on principles of
C. constructivism.
4. Theories of human development that emphasize a fairly universal succession of stages are those of
C. Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson.
5. Developmentally appropriate practice is effective
D. in teaching any students of any age group.
6. The term cognitive structure refers to
B. concepts, ideas, and understandings that a child constructs.
7. According to constructivist theory, motivation to learn emerges when
A. a child's cognitive structures are challenged.
8. A term referring to perspectives on children's development that emphasize the importance of cultural influences is
C. social constructivism.
9. Which of the following constitute aspects of child-centered instruction?
D. All of the answers are correct.
10. In a constructivist approach to teaching, a major role for the teacher is to
C. support children's exploration.
11. In a developmentally appropriate classroom, the teacher assumes that
D. during any particular lesson or activity, students may be learning different things.
12. Developmentally appropriate assessment focuses on
C. observation of children in natural activity contexts.
13. In the context of human development, "sensitive periods" or "critical periods" are
B. points in the course of development when certain kinds of learning occur most readily.
14. The Montessori approach suggests that classrooms for students of any age should be designed
A. for discovery and activity as teachers model and monitor.
15. The term developmental domain refers to
A. aspects of development that progress more or less at the same time.
16. Knowledge about the sociocultural background of students is not necessary for those who wish to teach in a developmentally appropriate way.
17. According to critics, economic goals for schooling place enormous pressures on young children to acquire more and more cognitive knowledge.
18. The theories of Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson support a developmental perspective that is a universal one.
19. According to constructivist theory, the "knower" constructs knowledge after assimilating a new mental structure that will accommodate it.
20. The constructivist view of readiness differs from the traditional view in that it emphasizes that readiness does not depend entirely on biological age.
21. The Waldorf approach evolved from a school established in 1919 for children of workers in Stuttgart, Germany.
22. The goal of teachers in a developmentally appropriate classroom is to make sure that students learn what they are supposed to learn.
23. In developmentally appropriate classrooms, screening and assessment are excellent ways to decide who should be placed in the top reading group.
24. Sensitive periods in human development are those times when a child (or a person) learns readily.
25. Given all we have learned about human development, the nature vs. nurture debate will probably be finally resolved within the next two or three years.