Spanish explorers who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain in the 1500s and 1600s
Natural protection;resistance
Hernán Cortés
Conquistador. A landowner in Cuba. Landed on the coast of Mexico with about 600 men, 16 horses, and a few cannons.
Capital city of the Aztec empire, on which modern-day Mexico City was built
An Indian woman that was Cortés' translator
Formal agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to one another's defense
Moctezuma I
An Aztec emporer
Francisco Pizarro
A Spaniard that was interested in Peru's Inca empire
Civil war
War fought between two groups of people in the same nation
Representative who ruled one of Spain's provinces in the Americas in the king's name
The right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area
Bartolomé de las Casas
Bold priest that condemned the evils of the ecomienda system
Worker forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt
Member of the highest class in Spain's colonies in the Americas
Person in Spain's colonies in the Americas who was an American-born descendant of Spanish settlers
Person in Spain's colonies in the Americas who was of Native American and European descent
Person In Spain in the Americas, person who was of African and European descent
Privately owned ship commissioned by a government to attack and capture enemy ships, especially merchants ships
New France
French possessions in present-day Canada From the 1500s-1763
Money taken in through taxes
English Protestants who rejected the Church of England
An agreement among people
French and Indian War
War between Britain and France in the Americas that happened from 1754 to 1763; it was part of a global war called the Seven Years War
Treaty of Paris
Peace treaty made final in 1783 that ended the American Revolution
Olaudah Equiano
An enslaved African that formed part of an international trade network that arose during the 1500s
Triangular trade
Colonial trade routes among Europe and it's colonies, the West Indies, and Africa in which goods were exchanged for slaves
Middle Passage
The leg of the triangular trade route on which slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas
Revolt, especially of soldiers or sailors against their officers
Colombian Exchange
The global exchange of goods, ideas, plants, animals, and disease that began with Columbus's exploration of the Americas
Economic cycle that involves a rapid rise in prices linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available
Price revolution
Period in European history when inflation rose rapidly
Economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit
Person who assumes financial risk in the hope of making a profit
Policy by which a nation sought export more than it imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver
Tax on imported goods
Americas to Europe
The shipment of raw materials from ____ to ____.
Europe to Africa
The shipment of manufactured goods from ____ to ____
Africa to America
The shipment of slaves and gold from ____ to ____.