Many early childhood programs have their roots in the humanistic approach to education. This approach reflects the viewpoint that the humanities (e.g., art, music, literature) should be emphasized during the early years.
John Locke is credited with the concept of tabula rasa, the idea that the child enters this world with a mind that is like a blank slate, open to receiving knowledge through the senses.
The term kindergarten compares schools for young children to a garden for flowers. It envisions it as a place where children can flourish, nurtured and protected from outside influences.
Robert Owens was a popular activist who launched the War Against Poverty in the 1960s.
A typical day in a High/Scope classroom follows a three-step process called "plan-do-review." Teachers let children know the lessons planned for the day, facilitate them in completing tasks, and review what was learned at the end of each work period.
The founders of the Bank Street approach believe the classroom must allow children to participate in a social experience that reflects life in a democratic community.
In the Reggio approach the environment is seen as the "third teacher."
The first early childhood education and care settings in the United States were initiated by philanthropists to come to the aid of poor working women who needed safe care for their children.
Head Start was designed to provide work for teachers during the Great Depression.
Before the 1960s, children with disabilities were educated in separate settings from typically developing children.
Early education and care today grew out of two traditions, The Nursery School with a health and safety focus and the child or day care focus, where children were cared for while their families worked.
Respect for children and their development has not always been a part of early childhood education.
The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato believed
play was a necessary and appropriate way for young children to learn.
Religious reformer Martin Luther was a strong advocate of
universal education
One idea that Comenius contributed to early childhood education was
that birth to age 6 is of the highest importance for human development and learning will occur spontaneously through play.
Rousseau was an early proponent of
a developmental view of learning which includes children learning through play, free of adult interference.
Who believed that the first year of life was the most important and education should be adapted to each child's interests, abilities, and stage of development.
Johann Pestalozzi
Who was the father of the modern-day kindergarten and the first to propose training young women to become kindergarten teachers.
Frederich Froebel
The first nursery school was created in response to
health problems of children in poor communities.
The National Association for Nursery Education (NANE), founded in 1926, was the first professional organization for nursery educators. This later evolved to become what?
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
Progressive education was a reaction against traditional forms of public schooling. Its proponents advocated greater freedom and spontaneity in play and involvement of children in the social life of the classroom. One of the leaders of this movement was
John Dewey
The educational approach in which social studies and learning trips form the core of the curriculum is:
the Bank Street or Developmental Interaction Approach.
Montessori began her work in early education because of:
an interest in children who were retarded.
The Reggio Emilia approach is known for promoting the intellectual development of children through the systematic focus on symbolic representation. Children in Reggio Emilia schools are encouraged to
engage in many modes of expressing their understanding through "The Hundred Languages of Children."
Historically, child care in the United States
has been seen as a temporary response to families in need.
There was a great upsurge in federal sponsorship of child care during the
1940s when women were needed to work in defense plants.
The creation of Head Start in the 1960s was based on the premise that
intervening early with children born into poverty would enhance their development and help them to succeed in later schooling and adult life.