Li Su
A Chinese General. This is important because he was Huangdi's adviser and thought Legalism was a good idea.
Qin Dynasty
The dynasty after the Zhou Dynasty and before the Han Dynasty. Only lasted 14 years. This is important because Huangdi was the founder and they used Legalism.
filial piety
called on all members of the family to subordinate their needs and desires to the patriarchal head of the family. Created a hierarchal system in which every family member had his or her place, with five relationships
Five Relationships
All Chinese learned these, key to proper social order. The son was subordinate to the father, the wife to her husband, the younger brother to the older brother, and all were subject to the king. The final was a proper one between friend and a friend
Bao-jia System
The practice of organizing several families units into larger groups of five and ten families that would exercise mutual control and surveillance. This is important because this practice started in the Qin Dynasty
a type of writing including symbols. Pictographic represented something similar to a picture and Ideographic was more idea based. Main part of Chinese language. Oracle bones had pictographic messages on it
leadership, especially of one nation over another. Hegemony the consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others. Leadership of a nation. This is important because after the fall of Qin Dynasty many people were fighting for hegemony of China. Having influence or ideology over others
Period of Warring States
Regional rulers formed independent armies reduc¬ing emperors to little more than figureheads. Between 402 -201 B.C.E. (Era of the Warring States) the Zhou system disintegrated
Shi Huangdi
Created the Qin Dynasty. This is important because he got the idea to build The Great Wall of China in order to protect the country from Xiongnu.
Castrated members of the Chinese royal court. They were often chosen for these positions because they couldn't have families and rebel. Men who have undergone castration to gain a high political status next to the emperor. They are castrated because this prevents them from creating a family that could later challenge the empero
Han Dynasty
The Han dynasty was an imperial dynasty of China, preceded by the Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) and succeeded by the Three Kingdoms (220-280 AD). Han Dynasty The dynasty that ended due to their unequal distribution of land that led to many rebellions. The dynasty that relied on centralized administration, Legalistic policies, and Confucian education for their bureaucrats. The dynasty that succeeded the Qin dynasty and was the longest lasting dynasty in Chinese History
Wang Mang
Wang Mang interrupted Han rule for around 15 years to rule China; tried helping the poor by establishing granaries and land reform. Emperor Wang Mang, a firm believer of Confucianism, thinking on how to get his plans out there to start a golden age of China
Han Wudi
The greatest Emporer of the Han dynasty. Strengthened centralized rule in China.
Qin Dynasty
Dynasty after the Zhou Dynasty. Lasted only 14 years. This is important because Huangdi was the one who created this dynasty.
Liu Bang
First Han Emporer. This is important because he replaced Legalism with Confucianism.
Tribute missions
neighboring countries providing local specialities like tropical products and precious stones in return for Chinese silks, glazed pottery, and various manufactured products
An independent political and social philosopher. This is important because Legalism rejected Confucius's values.
rejected Confucian virtues in favor of authoritarian state that ruled by force. Human were by nature evil and required restraint/discipline
Alternative to Confucius's beliefs. Belief that nature contains divine impulse that directs all life
Shang Di
A god who presided over all the forces of nature. This is important because the Shang Dynasty began to believe in this one god.
This is important bc Confucius believed it was useless to speculate too much about metaphysical questions. Of or relating to things that are thought to exist but cannot be seen
Zhou Dynasty
the dynasty after the Shang dynasty. Longest dynasty in Chinese history. Use of iron was introduced and writing evolved into a more modern form
Rites of Zhou
one of the oldest surging documents on statecraft; talks about the Mandate of Heaven
Mandate of Heaven
a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source. The idea that the Zhou King ruled as a representative of Heaven. According to this concept heaven maintained order in the universe through the Zhou King. This is important because the Zhou dynasty ruled china because it possessed this
universe was divided into two primary forces of good and evil represented symbolically by the sun (yang) and the moon (yin
Yi Jing
book that talks about how everything us made of yin and yang. One of the famous manuals used to interpret the will of nature. Divination
Well field system
peasant families farmed outer plots for themselves and inner plots for their landlords. Important bc introduced in the Zhou dynasty.
Lao Tzu
Philosopher and ancient poet in china. Important because he was the "father" of Daoism
Dao de Jing
the great classic of philosophical Daoism; written during the era of Confucius and is an enigmatic book whose interpretation has baffles scholars for centuries
Heaven, an abstract conception in early Chinese religion. Possibly the combined spirits of all male ancestors; first appeared during the Zhou Dynasty
Hundred Schools
Development of three schools of thought- Confucianism, legalism, Daoism. A wide ranging debate over the nature of human beings, society, and the universe
The key to proper behavior was to act in accordance with your own Dao. Confucius thought all human beings had their own Dao. Like dharma
of or pertaining to government by an aristocracy. government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility. China under Shang dynasty was predominantly agricultural society ruled by an aristocratic class whose major occupation was war
oracle bones
used to communicate with the Gods. In Chinese civilization, animal bones that were heated and the cracks then interpreted as prophecies. The prophecies were written on the bone and provide our earliest written sources for ancient China. Significance: inscribed on shells or animal bones; used for predicting the future in royal courts of the shang dynasty rulers; they are the direct ancestors of modern Chinese characters. The inscriptions on these are the earliest known form of Chinese writing
Techniques for ascertaining the future or the will of the gods by interpreting natural phenomena such as, in early China, the cracks on oracle bones or, in ancient Greece, the flight of birds through sectors of the sky
Shang Dynasty
The 2nd Chinese dynasty. They were a farming society ruled by aristocracy mostly concerned on war about 1750- 1122 BCE Significance: best remembered by their art of bronze casting & being the 1st historical Chinese empire; used oracle bones to predict the future
Xia Dynasty
Legendary Chinese dynasty that was not believed to exist untill recently; had walled towns ruled by area-specific kings around 2200- 1766 BCE Significance:assembled armies, built cities, & worked bronze; created pictograms which became the 1st Chinese script; organized flood control projects
extended family groups that generally lived together. Villages were organized by clans rather than by nuclear family units. All residents probably took the common clan name of the entire village. Some villages may have included more than one clan
system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials (not elected). This is important because the Shang King ruled with the assistance of a central bureacracy in the capital city
Veranation of ancestors
(commonly known in the west as "ancestor worship") burning replicas of physical objects to accompany the departed on their journey to the next world
The principle of filial piety
Made the needs and desires of the patriarchal head of the family the main concern of the entire family
Metalworking in a Ancient China showed Chinese skill in using which of the following metals
Iron and bronze
The terra cotta figures near the Qin First Emporer's burial mound demonstrate the...
Huge expenditures that were devoted to afterlife preparation for the monarch
What makes the Chinese written language unique
Its characters were ideographic and pictographic
The Chinese written language maintained its unique quality because of...
It's unifying role within the society Correction two years later: its not it's*!!
Which is not one of the five relationships
Brother subordinate to sister
One of the reasons family was so important in ancient china was because
Children were required to provide labor for agriculture
The Qin Dynasty...
carried out public book burnings
The most significant Explaination for the fall of the Qin dynasty is that the
Resentment created by Qin Shi Huangdi's policies created internal weaknesses that undermined the dynasty's survival after his death
The founder of the Han Dunasty was
Liu Bang
During the reign of the Han Dynasty
Very rapid population growth, accompanied by increasingly concentrated land control, greatly weakened the status and living standards of peasants
The Great Wall of China was started
Under the Qin Dynasty
Wang Mang seized power because
He sought to relieve the extensive suffering of the Chinese peasant farmers
Dao in china means..
The Way
The idea of Mandate of Heaven was
Introduced by the Zhou dynasty and it serves to justify its power
The "well field system"
Allowed peasants plots of their own to work, as well as working the lands of their lords
During the Zhou dynasty china..
Established government monopolies in iron and salt and developed a uniform taxation system
In early china it was believed that the universe was divided in between two primary forces..
Sun as yang moon as yin
For Confucius, the main thing to concentrate on was the..
Nature of the real aspects of daily living
A core belief in the need to force people to behave properly through the use of restrictive regulations was the foundation of the philosophy of
Ancient Chinese civilization originates in the valleys of the
Yellow and Yangtze Rivers
The first dynasty of Ancient China was the
Xia Dynasty
The Shang Dynasty
Equipped its army with two horse chariots
Ancient Chinese villages were organized on the basis of
In ancient china, aristocrats
Often served as government officials
Which advancement in technology are the Shang responsible for?
The art of bronze casting