Way of life of a group of people who share similar cultural traits including beliefs, customs, technology and material items.
Language family
Group of related languages that have all develop from one earlier language
Ethnic group
Group of people who share common ancestery, language, religion, custom, or place of origin
Culture region
Division of the earth in which people share a similar way of life, including language, religion, economic systems, and values
Culture diffusion
The spread of culture traits, material and nonmaterial, from one culture to another
Culture hearth
A center were cultures developed from which ideas and traditions spread outward
Geographers divide the world into _____________, which are areas in which people share a similar way of life including language religion economic systems and values
Cultural regions
Afro-Asiastic, Dravidian, and Indo-European are examples of
Language families
The enslavement of Africans who were then shipped to the Americas is an example of culture change being caused by forced
The period in the 1700s and 1800s during which many countries experienced rapid cultural change as they developed power driven machines and factories to mass produce goods is known as the
Industrial revolution
What is the term for a group of people who share a common ancestry, language religion customs or place of origin,
Ethnic group