Which of the following statements about marriage best captures the realities for Roman woman by the first century B.C.E.?
They remained legally the property of their fathers.
The college of augurs existed to
interperet auspices signs sent to humans by the gods
Which of the following statements best applies to Roman education:
The wealthy classes wanted training in Greek and mastery of rhetoric, or persuasive public speaking, for their children.
The second Punic War saw Carthage
carry a land war to Rome by crossing the Alps
The people to the north of Rome who apparently ruled Rome for a century and heavily influenced Roman urban culture were the
Like most of the great Roman writers of the first century B.C.E., Catullus was from Rome.
The Roman senator who led the movement for the complete destruction of Carthage was
The reforms of Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus
resulted in further instability and violence as they polarized various social groups
The immediate cause of the first Punic war was
Rome sending an army to Sicily
Because the Romans frequently adopted the gods of the peoples they came into contact with, and since, by the Republic, Greece was a major influence upon Rome, it can be argued that the Romans and the Greeks had essentially the same "Greco-Roman" religion.
Which one of the following innovations enabled Romans to erect giant amphitheaters, public baths, and high-rise tenement buildings?
By crossing the Rubicon, Caesar showed that he
was willing to disobey the direct orders of the Senate.
Rome set a precedent for treating it's vanquished foes after forming the Roman Confederation by
offering its most favored allies full Roman citizenship, thus giving them a steak in successful Roman expansion.
The result of the third Punic war was
The complete destruction and subjugation of Carthage
For the Romans, ius gentium was that part of the law that applied to both Romans and foreigners, or was the law of nations and not just for the Romans.
The Struggle of the Orders
was a peaceful struggle which resulted in political compromise.
The First Triumvirate was a political alliance between Crassus, Julius Caesar, and
Imperium was
the power to command Roman citizens
As a result of the first Punic war
the Carthaginians were forced to withdraw from Sicily and pay an indemnity to Rome.
Which Roman writer is most closely associated with the development of a new style of poetry at the end of the Roman Republic?
Which of the following is not true of the centuriate assembly?
It rivaled the Roman state for power.
In Rome, the male family head could
all of the above
Optimates in the late Roman Republic wanted to maintain the privileges of the
Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian in 31 B.C.E. at the Battle of Actium, thus symbolically ending the Roman Republic.
An early even in the Struggle of the Orders occurred in 445 B.C.E., when the Canuleian law allowed patricians and plebeians to intermarry.
By the later Republic, Roman slaves
often worked on the Roman latifundia
all of the above
Roman traditionally associated the rape of Lucretia and its alleged consequences with
all of the above
The paterfamilias in Roman society was
the male head of the family.
The Roman Senate
could only advise the magistrates in legal matters.
In defeating the Greek city-states in southern Italy, Rome
had to fight the soldiers of King Purrhus, sent against them by the Greeks.
The head of the Roman religious observances was
the pontifex maximus
For the Romans, Italy's geography
made Rome a natural crossroads and an area easy to defend.
Rome was established in the first millennium B.C.E. on the
plain of Latium
Tiberius Gracchus ran for tribune in 133 B.C.E. on a program of
providing land to landless farmers
At the Battle of Cannae the Romans
suffered a devastating defeat by Hannibal
The main achievement of the Hortensian law in Roman constitutional history was its
ruling that all plebiscita passed by the plebeian assembly had the force of law and were binding even upon the patricians
Livy's account of Cincinnatus
demonstrates how the virtues of duty and simplicity in Rome's leaders enabled Rome to survive in difficult times
What was the significance of Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War?
He expelled the Carthaginians from Spain and later won the decisive Battle of Zama
The Second Punic War marked Rome's only serious defeat during the Republic.
Which of the following statements about Roman names is incorrect?
The nomen was the hereditary family name
After Rome crushed the Latin states in the fourth century B.C.E., it waged a 50-year struggle against
the Samnites
During the Third Punic War against Carthage, the Romans made Egypt a Roman province.
After imposed retirement from Roman politics, Cicero took up writing
philosophical treatises
The Roman Dictator
a and b
The Carthaginians originated from
Phoenician Tyre.
It can best be said that Roman imperial expansion was
highly opportunistic, responding to unanticipated military threats and possibilities for glory.
Julius Caesar
led military commands in Spain and especially Gaul that enhanced his popularity.