Which is believed to have been invented first? Writing or Reading
Generating a written symbol that represents an idea is called which of the following? a) encode b) decode c) metaknowledge d) none of the above
Reading and writing are often thought of as a mirror image of each other. Is this statement true or false?
Shanahan's research concluded that readers and writers rely on how many common knowledge bases?
which of the following is not one of the 4 common knowledge bases? a) content knowlege b) metaknowledge c) Scribbling/Drawiing d)Cursive
Clay in 1987 calls the tendency to reuse and repeat certain scribblings and drawings cursive writing. Is this true or false.
At what stage do children begin to use real letters--usually capitals to represent meaning.
prephonemic stage
Who points out that children in the prephonemic stage of writing development will usually produce a string of letters and proudly display their work to a parent while asking questions?
At the Early Phonemic Stage, children begin to use letters--usually capitalized consonants to represent words.I s this statement true or false?
At the Early Phonemic stage, it be true that is is almost possible that children are continuing to learn certain letters of the alphabet. True or False?
this stage is characterized by the use of more than one or two consonants with at least one vowel to represent the spelling of words.
Letter-Naming Stage
Which stage is when writing produced by youngsters in this stage looks like English, but words are a mix of phonetic and conventional spellings? a) Letter-Naming Sage b) Transitional Stage c) Early Phonemic Stage d) Prephonemic Stage
Transitional Stage
A writing example that demonstrate the progression of children's writing along a developmental continuum, originating with their early attempts to make meaning on paper through scribbling and drawing to later refinements including the use of conventional spelling, grammar, and mechanics is illustrated in which Figure.
Figure 8.10
It is important to emphasize to teachers that they should not use this information to try to hasten development or expect that children will—or even should—pass through each stage of development in the order described. Is this a true or false statement.
What type of texts (fiction) are organized in a story grammar scheme using such common elements as setting, theme, characterization, plot and resolution
When preparing to teach units in the content areas, teachers do not need to establish which expository text structures are used and organized for instruction accordingly. Following are the five expository text patterns identified earlier along with examples taken from content textbooks. True or False?
Which of the following are not one of the five expository text patterns? a) Description b) Collection c) Problem d) Procedure
Elements grouped according to time sequence with a cause-effect relationship specified is known as which stage?
Causation stage
This stage explains something about a topic or presents a characteristic or setting for a topic.
Description stage
It's in this stage that organizes factors on the basis of differences and similarities. Comparison does not contain elements of sequence or causality
Comparisons stage
This expository stage Includes a relationship between a problem and the possible causes(s) and a set of solution possibilities, one of which can break the link between the problem and its cause.
problem solution stage
Burns, Griffin, and Snow (1999), in their book Starting Out Right, summarize the skills to be learned in writing for grades K thru 3 according to scientific research. True or False
When developing scoring rubrics for writing, teachers do not have to be certain that the assessment criteria are aligned with state requirements and objectives. True or False
Which of the following is not a rubric requirement? a) not written in clear language b) expressed in terms of observable c) designate clear distinctions d) explained to students prior to the writing experience.
The rubric criteria should be fair and free from bias. True or False?
Which of the following is not one of the "Big Five" writing traits that are most often evaluated. a) Creativity b) Style c) Glossary d) Content d) Mechanics
In group settings, we it is recommended that teachers read all student compositions once without grading to get a feel for the range of development in the class before assigning numerical values to each paper. True or False?
This type of scoring has teachers evaluate a piece of writing for its overall quality (i. e., all of the traits that make up the writing task are evaluated in combination. What is it called? Test: Writing Skills
How many traits are in the Model for Writing Assessment?
This trait refers to the writer's main ideas, purpose for writing, and supporting details. It focuses on how well the writer communicates and supports his or her ideas through the provision of examples, facts, anecdotes, and details appropriate to the target audience. What is it?
Ideas and content
Organization is not the trait that has to do with the structure of a written composition, including the writer's ability to hold the central meaning throughout the document. True or false?
This trait evaluates the writer's use of words that are appropriate to the topic and audience, as well as her or his ability to convey the intended message and emotion. It Is called this...
word choice
This trait relates to the writer's understanding and application of the underlying structures of language.
Sentence fluency
Writing instruction has changed significantly in recent years. Teachers once assigned students writing tasks such as preparing essays, reports, or research papers, expected students to submit one draft of their work, and then moved on to the next focus of study. True or False?
Writing development is evaluated in 6 stages? Which is not 1 of the 6? a) prewriting stage b) note taking stage c) drafting stage d) free writing stage e) revising and editing stage
During the drafting process, the writer can create several opening sentences or alternative leads for his or her piece. Having an interesting beginning, one that grabs the reader, helps create a successful composition. Is this true or false?
Once the draft has been completed, the author is ready to begin this stage.
revising and editing
Perhaps the most traditional method of revision is during the student-teacher writing conference in which students meet with the teacher after she has read the composition. True or False?
If students have a difficult time coming up with a topic, they may be permitted in engage in this type of writing which is a part of writing development?
free writing
This stage represents an author's first attempt to get ideas down on paper. Teachers should emphasize that the most important part of drafting is simply getting thoughts down on paper, not mechanical correctness. It is called....
Drafting stage
Another option for helping students improve their compositions is peer editing which allows students to help each other in a collaborative and risk-free environment. Is this true or false?
Another option for helping students improve their compositions is this which allows students to help each other in a collaborative and risk-free environment.
peer editing
During the editing process, students do not check compositions for misspelled words, usage errors, poor sentence construction, missing topic sentences, awkward language, and coherence. Is this a true or false statement.
It is during the editing stage, writers use proofreaders' marks. True or False?
A natural desire for most authors, young or seasoned, is to share their composition with an audience. This stage in writing development is called....
publishing stage
Which of the following is not an Interactive Writing Procedures? a) Writing aloud b) Writing To c) Drafting d) Shared Writing e) Morning Message
An interactive writing session focuses on the teacher writing with children—what is sometimes called "sharing the pen". True or False?
In conducting an Interactive writing lesson, Teacher and students share the pen as a message is written word by word. When new words are added to a line of text, True or False?
The teacher can construct a word wall, like that recommended by Cunningham which might be used as a writing resource for students as a part of conducting an interactive writing lesson. True or False?
Using words that create a picture in the reader's mind.that are descriptive and clear is not a tip to have students use as they draft their stories. True or False?