Dada collage artist Hannah Höch used "found" photographs to express
all of these: artistic composition; the overwhelming experience of the mechanized city; and disgust with a civilization that allowed the slaughter of World War I.
________ is closely associated with Alfred Stieglitz's assertion that for photography to be an art, it should be true to its own nature.
The Steerage
In 1878, Eadweard Muybridge photographed a galloping horse, and discovered that
galloping horses occasionally have all four hooves off the ground.
The use by artists of the camera obscura (literally dark room) began in
the Italian Renaissance.
The supervision by one individual or group over the artistic expression of another individual or group is known as
Early examples of art photography often imitated
he narrative form of painting.
The Lumière brothers
This answer is wrong originated the concept of the auteur in filmmaking.
The creation of a photographic body of work around an event, place, or culture is known as
Andy Warhol's film Empire
is a film about watching time pass.
________ was a photographer who became dissatisfied with pictorialism and promoted the idea that photography should e true to its own nature rather than trying to imitate painting.
Alfred Steiglitz.
Julia Margaret Cameron is renowned for her
Despite an enthusiastic public acceptance, the success of the daguerreotype was limited by
the inability to make multiple images from one negative.
A daguerreotype was an early photographic method created using a
copper plate covered with silver iodine.
Artists like Peter Campus became interested in video because
video signals could be electronically manipulated into interesting images.
The works of Henry Peach Robinson and Andreas Gursky exemplify the photographer's
manipulation and combination of different photographic images in one work.
Artists primarily used the camera obscura to
produce naturalistic drawings of the world.
The Dada movement was formed as a reaction to
World War I.
A major difference between the work of a "pure" or "straight" photographer, such as Alfred Stieglitz, and the work of a documentary photographer, such as Dorothea Lange, is
the different intentions of each photographer.
The Farm Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
paid photographers to document the Great Depression.
In 1888 the Kodak camera changed the history of photography
by making photography easily accessible to the general public.
Which graphic design team developed the familiar set of symbols used today to communicate information across language barriers to international travelers?
Cook and Shanosky
Although symbols convey information and embody ideas,
they have no meaning in themselves; their meaning is invented by cultural use; and the ideas they embody may change radically with time.
W. Bradford Paley's TextArc program uses an entire text of a book and
displays all of the text on screen, allowing users to explore relationships between its words.
The development of ________ in the 19th century introduced the widespread use of color in posters.
color lithography
The ancient symbol from Chinese philosophy that embodies a worldview of mutual interdependence is the ________ symbol.
An image created to accompany words is called
an illustration.
Cassidy Curtis's Graffiti Archaeology is organized by ________ to effectively display its subject.
location and time
Designing for the Web adds the potential for ________ reactions to choices made by a visitor to the site.
motion and interactivity
A designer's blueprint for books and magazines and other works in print is called
a layout.
One of the most effective and easiest ways for a company to change its image is
to redesign its logo.
One of the most celebrated 19th-century artists, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, created posters for the famous dance hall called
the Moulin Rouge.
I n 1525, with the advent of moveable type, ________ created a unified alphabet that could be mass-produced.
Albrecht Dürer
According to the author, graphic design as we know it today has its roots in two developments. They are
the printing press and the Industrial Revolution.
Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans
is a portrait of graphic design.
A ________ is often the first and key element in creating a complete corporate identity.
Graphic designer John Maeda
writes his own computer code to assist in his designs.
The American graphic designer who created some of the most memorable logos for IBM, UPS, and ABC is
Paul Rand.
The ________ first made it possible to devise a notice that could be reproduced in large numbers and distributed widely.
printing press
Graphic design used to be known as ________ art.
The video about the Audi TT sedan by designers Matt Pyke at Universal Everything and Karsten Schmidt at PostSpectacular
u sed a programming language called Processing; never actually showed the car; and did not require production work after it was originally shot.