Dickinson felt that the Constitution made
a system of checks and balances possible.
The reference in the quote to the Senate and the House describes the
Connecticut Compromise
What is the main idea of the Declaration of Independence?
that the colonists would no logger submit to the British rule
What was the basic distinction between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists?
Federalists favored ratification of the Constitution; Anti-Federalists opposed it
Which feature of the Constitution was eventually created as a result of Anti-Federalists' efforts?
a bill of rights
The main reason that Federalists supported ratification of the Constitution was
the need for a stronger central government
What did the Federalists agree in order to gain support for the new Constitution?
adding amendments to protect basic rights
Which concept of government includes the ideas that government is restricted in what it may do and that every individual has certain rights that government cannot take away?
limited government
Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States was
essentially an alliance of independent states
How was the United States set up under the Articles of Confederation?
The states controlled most of their own affairs.
Which of the following documents is not considered a landmark document of English history?
the Virginia Bill of Rights
What was stated in the English Bill of Rights?
A person charged with a crime could not have a jury trial.
Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?
They were too weak to bind the States together.
What was true about the national government under the Articles of Confederation?
Congress did not have the power to tax the States.
Why would it be difficult to settle a dispute between two states under the Articles of Confederation?
There was no national court system.
Which type of colony had a governor and a council appointed by the king?
Royal colony
What was the main problem that led many people to believe that the Articles of Confederation must be revised?
economic instability
What caused many people to believe that the Articles of Confederation must be revised?
economic problems
What policies enacted under King George III upset the colonists?
imposing restrictive trading acts and new taxes
What pushed the American colonists toward wanting independence from Britain.
Britain put high taxes on certain goods
Benjamin Franklin's proposal for the creation of an annual congress of delegates from each of the 13 colonies was the
Albany Plan of Union
Why did smaller States favor the New Jersey Plan over the Virginia Plan?
The New Jersey Plan called for equal representation in a unicameral Congress.
Why did smaller States favor the New Jersey Plan over the Virginia Plan?
because it called for the States to be represented equally