Changes in the composition of the US population illustrate the ______ imperative for studying intercultural communication.
People who believe that behavior can only be judged within the context in which it occurs are operating from a _____ position of ethics.
People who believe that cultural differences are only superficial and that there are certain rules that apply across cultures are operating from a ___ position of ethics.
The need to market products effectively in different countries illustrates the ____ imperative for studying intercultural communication.
Until the 1960s, most immigrants to the United States came from Europe. This statement is
This question asks you to define and explain what is globalization? In your answer, please first define globalization and then use the examples shown in videos #2 to #5 to illustrate and explain.
Globalization is when technology, businesses, religions, stocks, taxes and more things along this line spread and become popular all across the globe. In video two, the Chinese stock market has closed for the second time in just one week. Universally all stock markets are ultimately tied together so this closure trickled down to Europe and the United States. And in video 5 there is a completely different type of situation happening. Video 5 quotes "mainland television enthusiasts had varied interests when it comes to series made in America. This means that the popular shows in America have almost always become the most popular shows in China. There are many kind of influences happening in the world.
A massive exodus caused by war, famine, slavery or persecution that results in the dispersal of a unified group is known as a/an ________.
Books that focus on the transmission and development of ideas or ways of thinking are called _____ histories.
The attempt to document and understand the Japanese internment camps established in the United States during World War II constitutes a form of ______ history.
racial and ethnic
Why is history important to intercultural communication? Pick one or two examples from the many histories discussed in the chapter (political, intellectual, social, family, national, cultural group, religious, sexual orientation, racial and ethnic, Diasporic, colonial, or socioeconomic class histories) to illustrate your point.
History is important to intercultural communication because, like the power point says, these histories from different cultures can form barriers of communication. I think the racial example is still one of the biggest barriers in our world today. Slavery had a huge effect on how whites and blacks viewed each other and also how Hitler made everyone look down on Jews. In today's society, a good amount of people from all cultures and races choose to get along regardless of how their ancestors treated each other in the past, but it is still an ongoing issue in the world.
A book about the lives of women pioneers in the old West is a form of _____ history.
A book which details the impact of Spanish settlement on Central and South America constitutes a form of _____ history.
A person with a strong sense of his or her own group identity and an appreciation of other cultural groups is probably in the _____ stage of minority identity development.
Anu was born in the United States. Her parents were born in India. When Anu interacts with the children of other Indian immigrants, she is most likely enacting her _____ identity.
Belle is from South Carolina. She is proud that she speaks with an accent and has no real desire to visit or live in the West. Belle affirms her _____ identity.
Duncan has a white father and a Korean mother. He feels torn between two different cultures. He has difficulty making decisions, is troubled by ambiguity, and feels pressure from both groups. Duncan is a _____ multicultural person.
In the _____ stage of minority identity development, individuals may reject the values and norms associated with the dominant group while embracing all the attitudes and values attributed to his or her own group.
resistance and separatism
In the United States, a 40-year-old man who lives with his parents, spends most of his time playing video games and chasing women is generally not seen as enacting his _____ identity.
Individuals who see themselves as connected to an origin outside the United States are often called ______.
hyphenated americans
Manuel accepts the values and attitudes of the majority culture. Although he is Mexican American, he is often embarrassed by other members of his group. He has a strong desire to assimilate into the mainstream. Manuel is probably in the _____ stage of minority identity development.
The relatively short-term feeling of disorientation or discomfort due to the unfamiliarity of surroundings or lack of familiar cues in an environment is known as _____.
culture shock
Typically, _____ identity includes knowledge of a group's, traditions, customs, values, and a feeling of belonging to that group.
Among the Japanese, silence communicates awkwardness and may cause people to feel uncomfortable.
People with a _____ concept of time tend to regard time as a commodity.
Stanley shakes his head no and ducks his eyes but doesn't say anything when his instructor asks him if he has his essay to turn in. Stanley has used nonverbal behavior to ___ verbal behavior.
substitute for
Sufen, an immigrant from Taiwan, feels uncomfortable whenever her boss, an Italian American talks to her. She feels that her boss stands too close and talks too loud for the space they are in. Sufen's are probably a result of ____ cultural differences.
contact vs noncontact
The "bubble" around us that marks the territory between ourselves and others is known as ___.
personal space
_____ produces products of popular culture (e.g., movies, cartoons, Hello Kitty) as commodities that can be economically profitable.
the culture industry
According to our textbook, what initially motivated the exportation of U.S. popular culture?
the decision to use it to advertise U.S products
Intercultural communication scholars are interested in popular culture because
Most people rely on popular culture for information about others cultures.
The fact that we are bombarded with popular culture every day and everywhere illustrates that it is _____, a characteristic of popular culture.
Which of the following is true about people's responses to popular culture?
People are often unaware of the complex nature of popular culture.
6 reasons to study intercultural communications
1. The Peace Imperative 2. The Economic Imperative 3. TheTechnologicalImperative 4. The Demographic Imperative 5. TheSelf-AwarenessImperative 6. The Ethical Imperative
the process of international integration arising from the interchange of money/finance, products, people, images and ideas. The interdepedendence of nation states on multiple levels.
Diversity is a potentially powerful economic tool for business organizations.
the U.S is becoming more heterogeneous, or diverse
An ethical approach that emphasizes the similarity of beliefs across cultures . A universalist may insist that cultural differences are only superficial, that fundamental notions of right and wrong are universal.
universalist position
An ethical approach believing that any cultural behavior can be judged only within the cultural context in which it occurs. A relativist believes that only a community can truly judge the ethics of its members.
relativist position
Become citizens of the world! Take seriously the value of not just human life, but particular human life, never forgetting that each human being has responsibilities to every other.
a learned patterns of perception, values, and behaviors, shared by a group of people , that are dynamic and heterogeneous.
I. Culture is shared (among a group of people). II. Culture is expressed as behavior. III. Culture involves perception and values. IV. Culture involves feelings V. Culture is learned. VI. Culture is dynamic and heterogeneous.
culture is expressed as a _______
The process of selection, organization and interpretation.
Our cultural values, behaviors, beliefs and perceptions are learned (not innate) through the_________ process.
Communication is a symbolic process whereby meaning is shared and _______
culture influences communication
A system for viewing certain ideas as more important than others. What is judged to be good or bad or right or wrong
the physical or social situation in which communication occurs. People communicate differently depending on the context.
a state of differential levels of societal and structural privilege.
the belief that one's own cultural group- usually equated with nationality- is superior to all other cultural groups.
widely held beliefs about a group of people and are a form of generalization - a way of categorizing and processing information we receive about others in our daily life.
a negative attitude toward a cultural group based on little or no experience.
the behavior that results from stereotyping or prejudice - overt actions to exclude, avoid, or distance oneself from other groups.
A massive migration, often caused by war, famine, enslavement, or persecution, that results in the dispersal of a unified group.
Histories that legitimate international invasions & annexations
colonial histories
People who define themselves in part in relation to their roots outside the United States (Mexican-American, Japanese-American) or to some region prior to its being part of the US (Navajo, Cherokee)
hyphenated american
_______ identity means having a sense of belonging to a particular group and knowing something about shared experiences of group members
Lack of exploration
unexamined identity
Strong desire to assimilate into and internalize the values and norms of the dominate group
Blanket endorsement of one's group and all the values and attitudes attributed to it. May reject the values and norms of the dominate group.
resistance and separatism
People have a strong sense of their own group identity and appreciation for other cultural groups. Try to reject any anger of forms of racism and oppression from previous stages in more positive ways.
A relatively short term feeling of disorientation or discomfort due to the unfamiliarity of surroundings and the lack of familiar cues in the environment
culture shock
An identity that is torn between different cultural identities and that often creates feelings of ambiguity. They try to assimilate but never feel comfortable.
encapsulated identity
An identity that is actively negotiated from various cultures in contact and that often creates feelings of a new multicultural identity. These people thrive on the margins of two cultures.
constructive identity
People who live on cultural borders and undergo a gradual process of intercultural evolution. Known as "Culture Brokers" who can help others see their blind spots and show a way of being in the world.
intercultural personhood
the study of the sound system of language; how words are pronounced.
the study of meaning; how words communicate the meaning we intend to get across in our communication.
the study of the structure of a language; the rules for combining words into meaningful sentences.
the study of how language is actually used in particular contexts; focuses on specific purpose of language use