common noun - restaurant
proper noun - McDonald's
common noun - girl
proper noun - Emma
common noun - boy
proper noun - Anthony
common noun - country
proper noun - United States of America
common noun - game
proper noun - Monopoly
common noun - minivan
proper noun - Honda Odyssey
common noun - movie
proper noun - Frozen
common noun - cereal
proper noun - Lucky Charms
common noun - river
proper noun - Chicago River
common noun - ocean
proper noun - Pacific Ocean
common noun - state
proper noun - Illinois
common noun - book
proper noun - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
common noun - school
proper noun - Greeley Elementary
common noun - teacher
proper noun - Mrs. Alfonsi
common noun - day
proper noun - Wednesday
common noun - month
proper noun - December
common noun - newspaper
proper noun - The Daily News
common noun - city
proper noun - Chicago
common noun - holiday
proper noun - Christma
common noun - planet
proper noun - Earth