Benefits of College Degree
1. Jail 2. Employment 3. More Money 4. Health (Exercise/Obese/Smoking 5. Health Insurance 6. Pension Plan- still getting money after retirement 7. Public Assistance Program (food stamps, etc.) 8. Feeling work is important and gives sense of accomplishment 9. Volunteering Rates 10. School Readiness of Preschool Children based on parent's degree 11. Parents participating with their kids 12. Distribution of grades of kids by parents degree level
Setting a Goal
1. Self- Chosen 2. Challenge 3. Attainable 4. Measurable/Specific 5. Positive
Challenge and Attainable must
Balance each other out
The steps to writing a goal
1. Write down your goal statement (it should only be one sentence) The sentence must have ALL 5 characteristics of setting a goal. 2. Write down obstacles 3. Write down resources
Hours in a week
Biggest Time Wasters
1. TV 2. Computer 3. Phone 4. Social life 5. Sleep
Fixed Commitments
1. Have a set time 2. Negative Consequences
Example of Fixed Commitments
Work and School
Unscheduled Time
Anything not fixed
Fixed wants
Example: Concert (not for class but for personal reasons)
Fixed needs
Example: Going to the doctor because you are sick
Unscheduled wants
Example: Tv, computer, phone, social life, napping
Unscheduled needs
Social Promotion
Advancement without achievement. Protects feelings
Related to cultivated land/agricultural
Fixed Commitment
Why take lecture notes?
1. Promotes Active Listening (Your Choice) 2. Written Record (Notes)
Step 1: Before a Lecture
1. Read textbook BEFORE lecture (unscheduled time) 2. Materials 3. Be on Time (fixed time) 4.Seat Location (see better, hear better, less distraction) 5. Eat/Sleep
Severe or cruel
Chinese College Entrance Exam
For every one hour in class you need 2 hours outside of class Example: Read text before (unscheduled time) then go to lecture (fixed time) then edit notes (unscheduled time)
Profit private institution; academy or cram school prevalent in South Korea. Also known as Night School
Not recognized as having attained an acceptable standard
Step 2: During Lecture
Actively Listening for? 1. Main ideas 2. Key points
Note-taking Systems
1. Cornell Method 2. Mind- Mapping 3. Outlining
After Lecture
Edit Notes
1. Fill in gaps 2. Check for accuracy 3. Clarify meaning
When should you edit your notes?
Within 24 hours of class
If you need help with notes
1. Ask Professor to clarify or repeat 2. Textbook 3. Tutor 4. Classmate
Before taking a exam
Read/Mark Textbook
Why read and mark textbook?
1. Promotes active reading 2. Mark text (review marks)
Before reading/marking textbook (Not Fixed)
1. "Get" the book 2. Materials 3. Location 4. Time 5. Eat/Sleep
Library Textbooks
2 hours limit, can't check it out of library, can't mark it
During Reading you are actively reading for?
1. Main ideas 2. Key points
Use your reading/marking system
-muscle reading Review: Did I understand? Or Do practice tests at the end of each chapter
After if you do not understand the reading ask
1. Professor 2. Review Notes from Lecture 3. Tutor 4. Classmates
4 Reasons Why UCLA students like studying at Jerry's Deli
1. Free Internet 2. Less stressful 3. Don't have to buy food to sit there 4. Can talk in the restaurant
Exam Prep: Before
1. "Gather info about the exam" 2. Materials 3. Location 4. Time 5. Eat/sleep
Exam Prep: During
Use active study techniques 1. Suggest Multiple day exam Prep 2. Self test
Multiple Day Exam Prep
Five Day Study Plan 1. Prepare- make study sheet, flash cards 2. Review- study activity 3. Self-test