Epperson v. Arkansas
State law banned teaching of evolution. Teacher wanted to make sure she wouldn't get fired by teaching it. Goes to U.S. Supreme Court. Ruled law unconstitutional
Tennessee v. Scopes
Hoax case to make Dayton money
McLean v. Arkansas board of education
First court case to define science. Bird, a law student, influenced by Henry Morris - sends out generic law asking for equal time for evolution and creation SCIENCE to all states. Only two states passed it. Case ruled that NOT everyone's opinions hold the same weight. Scientists give examples for what would make them change their minds. Creationists say, nothing. Creation science is NOT science.
Edwards v. Aguillard
Parents and teachers challenge a Louisiana law requiring creation science be taught IF evolution is taught. Ruled that law is unconstitutional bc it violates the first clause of the Lemon test and promotes one religion over others.
Webster v. New Lenox school district
Teacher argues that it's his free speech right to teach creationism in biology class. Pitts one clause of 1st amendment against another. Court rules that 1st amendment has restrictions, and he cannot teach creationism.
Peloza v. Capistrano Unified school district
Argued that a teacher can't be forced to teach evolution. Court rules that yes, they can if its part of the curriculum.
LeVake v. Independent School district #656
Minnesota case: teacher sued when reassigned to teach General Biology bc he refused to teach evolution. District court judge rules against him, supreme courts refuse his appeals.
Kitzmiller v. Dover
Parents sue school district for requiring teaching of ID alongside evolution. Successful in determining that ID is a form of creationism.
Lemon v. Kurtzman
Activist sues the state bc they reimburse private school teachers 15%. Rules that state is promoting religion, and this is a violation of 1st amendment. A famous "test" to determine if a state is promoting religion comes out of this.
Freiler v. Tangipahoa Parish
Parents sue school board bc they required a disclaimer to be read before any teaching of evolution. Notes that the school district is not trying to change anyone's view of the Bible. By singling out the Bible, it's unconstitutional.
Crowley v. Smithsonian
Man offended by Smithsonian exhibit on evolution and wants a biblical exhibit too. Judge rules that you have a right to be offended.
Willoughby v. Stever
Fundamentalist sues NSF for spending taxpayer money on textbooks with evolution; claims 1st amendment violation. Gov'n should spend equal money on books with creation. Judge rules that NSF can disseminate science info; evolution is NOT a religion.
Wright v. Houston independent school district
Mother sues school district for teaching evolution because it holds creationism in contempt. Judge dismisses case bc evolution has nothing to do with your religion.
Engle v. Vitale
About state sponsored prayer in public schools. Ruled unconstitutional
Abington v. Schempp
About state sponsored Bible readings in public school. Ruled unconstitutional
Hendren v. Campbell
Student and parents sue textbook commission for adopting a book with both creationism and evolution. Court rules it's unconstitutional, the state can't do that.
Daniel v. Waters
Man challenges Tennessee law which says if evolution is taught, other stories must be taught too. Textbooks with evolution must have sticker saying it's just a theory. Bible exempt bc it's a reference book. Ruled unconstitutional
Moeller v. Schrenko
Someone sues school district bc the textbook says creation science isn't science. Court rules, yep, you can say that bc creation science isn't science.
Selman v. Cobb county school district
Parents contest school district textbooks having sticker saying evolution is just a theory. Judge rules that stickers single out evolutionary theory and so are unconstitutional; what about theories like gravity?