These elements would be part of the ____ history: employment, education, use of drugs.
Bruising would be an element of review of this organ system.
The level of E/M service is based on:
documentation key components contributing factors all of the above
The HPI must be documented in the medical record by:
the physician
The examination is the ____ portion of the E/M service.
Medical decision making (MDM) is based on the ____ the physician must consider about the management of a patient's condition.
number of diagnoses risk of morbidity amount of data all of the above
The Hospital Inpatient Services subsection is used for patients admitted to:
an acute care facility
The request for advice or opinion from one physician to another physician is this type of service:
Critical care codes are reported based on:
Codes from the E/M subsection Nursing Facilities Service are used to report services provided in nursing facilities that used to be known as:
skilled nursing facility intermediate care facility long-term care facility all of the above
When a physician performs a preventive care service, the extent of the exam is determined by the:
According to information in 99468, what is the age of a neonate?
28 days or younger
According to E/M guidelines, a(n) ____ exam encompasses a complete single-specialty exam or a complete multisystem exam.
Mr. Smith presents to the Emergency Department at the local hospital for chest pain and is seen by the ED physician on duty. The physician obtains an extended HPI, an extended ROS, and a pertinent PFSH. What is the level of history?
The physician performs an extended exam of the affected body areas and related organ systems. What is the level of the examination?
The physician must consider multiple diagnoses and management options. There is a moderate amount of data to be reviewed and the risk of complications or death is moderate. What is the level of MDM?
When time is calculated for anesthesia services, the time begins when:
the anesthesiologist begins preparing the patient for anesthesia
What type of nurse can administer anesthesia under the direction of an anesthesiologist?
Concurrent modifiers are used to describe:
number of cases an anesthesiologist is directing or supervising at one time
99100 is an example of a:
qualifying circumstance
In the Anesthesia section of the CPT manual, the codes are usually divided first by which of the following?
anatomic site
What is the type of sedation that allows a procedure to be performed without pain to the patient, but the patient is not completely asleep?
conscious or moderate
The society that publishes the Relative Value GuideTM for anesthesia services is the:
American Society of Anesthesiologists
The anesthesia formula is:
B + T + M
Which codes begin with the number 99 and are used to indicate anesthesia services provided during situations that make the administration of the anesthesia more difficult?
qualifying circumstances
The anesthesia status modifier that indicates the patient's condition at the time anesthesia was administered is:
The modifier "-AA" is an example of what type of modifier?
There are various types of anesthesia, and these include general, regional, or local sedation.
Local anesthesia is a type of anesthesia that provides a decreased level of consciousness.
Only one CPT procedure code may be represented by one anesthesia code.
Anesthesia services include postoperative visits to the patient by the anesthesiologist.
Qualifying anesthesia circumstances are adjunct codes and are used when the administration of the anesthesia is more difficult.