1.) What were slaves given the freedom to guy themselves when they were paid their freedom?
Slaves were paid their freedom dues which they hoped would allow them to buy farms of their own if they had the money or weren't so old.
2.) Massachusetts Bay is now known as what?
The Massachusetts Bay is now knows as New England.
3.) What year was slavery recorded in the colony?
The slaves were recorded in the colony in 1640.
4.) What did they want everyone to be able to read? And why?
Puritans really did foster equality in one sense. They wanted everyone to be able to read the Bible because they also wanted them to have the same religion to not have much problems.
5.) What did the uber-Protestant Puritians think about the catholic religion?
The New England uber - protestant puritians thought that the catholic religion was just kneeling and increasing the extravagantly-hatted archbishops.
6.) What was the main idea of the mystery document?
A model of Christian Charity of John Winthrop.
7.) What caused the Spanish settlers on the earliest English colonies not care about religion?
America was also founded by indigenous people and Spanish settlers, the earliest English colonies weren't about religion. They were about money.
8.) Where was the place where the English settlers first came?
The English settlers first came to Virginia.
9.) What was something that ruined their plans to fight and have war?
King James did not like smoke but still allowed them to have a small war.
10.) What happened when the Pilgrims came and sis not know much about living?
The Indians helped the pilgrims survive and helped them plant food. And they had the first thanksgiving.