As young children get older, they
gradually become able to regulate their emotions
Example of how a young child might make a self-evaluation using an unrealistically positive overestimation?
I am never scared
Gender role is the
set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should act, think and feel
Changes in thought, feelings and behaviors regarding standards or right and wrong are termed
moral development
Hector became a police officer because he believes members of society prosper from understanding social order, etc. What moral level does he reason?
Phenomenon in which children and parents learn from each other
reciprocal socialization
What type of emotions are surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness and fear?
Kelsey wants to be a teacher, lawyer or singer. She is talented, intelligent girl. Vows not to be satisfied in a dead end job. Kelsey is considering her
possible self
Social cognitive theory attributes psychological differences between men and women to
observation and imitation, rewards and punishment of gender related behavior
Patricia is single and just turned 30. she is likely to feel
societal pressure to marry
Baby Alex smiles mostly during sleep and not in response to his mother's expressions. These smiles are
Self-esteem refers to global self-evaluation, while self-concept refers to
domain-specific evaluations of the self
Most couple divorce after ___ years
With regard to stereotyping, recent research shows that parent
continue to interact differently with sons and daughters, often fostering behaviors that reinforce traditional gender roles
15 month old Teri cries when her mother drops her off at daycare. Teri is experiencing
separation protest
Not a recommended strategy for dealing with divorce
start dating as soon as you can
Erikson termed the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy
psychosocial moratorium
Dr. Barlow displays 10 pictures of individuals and asks students to match them to list of occupations. MAle jobs with pictures of men and female jobs with women. Example of
gender stereotyping
13 year old Cody does not understand how his strengths/weaknesses will guide him to different roles in future. According to Marcia, Cody is in a state of identity
Jeff and Amber demand immediate respect/obedience from children. Spanking as punishment. Which Baumrind's parenting style used?
Adolescents are more likely than adults to report feeling
both very happy and very sad
According to Marcia, adolescents that have made a commitment without exploring meaning are in a state of identity
Psychological and behavioral differences tend to increase during adolescence because of increased social pressures to conform to traditional gender roles. This is
the gender-intensification hypothesis
Parent style that encourages a child to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions is
Kyle and Angie have decided to wait until they are married to have sex. They hold to
traditional religious sexual script
Courtney is often left to entertain and manage herself. Mother brushes her aside. Example of which parenting style
Statement regarding current-day knowledge about sexual orientation
no firm answers are available s to why some individuals are homo, whereas others are hetero
Which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family?
socioemotional selectivity theory
Big 5 factors of personality view that personality is made up of
openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism
7th stage of Erikson's life-span theory takes place during middle age is termed
generativity vs stagnation
Christie allows children freedom with few limits, believes creativity will be enhanced. Children lack self-control. What parenting style?
Marc's doctor informs him that he has an incurable STD. What disease?
Gina and Miranda have infants close in age. One is cheerful and happy. One is upset and cries all the time. These children have differences in
Research on attachment indicates a likelihood that
people with secure attachment to parents have secure attachments to romantic partners
Jeff's parents are divorcing. What kinds of problems will he most likely suffer?
Minor problems--Majority of children in divorced families do not have significant adjustment difficulties
Janice is a sensitive and responsive caregiver. She anticipates her baby's needs and is available and flexible. What type of attachment is Janice's baby likely to form?
When children think of justice and rules as unchangeable properties of the world that are out of our control, they are displaying
heteronomous morality
Although adolescent contraceptive use is increasing, the US continues to have on of the highest__ rates
adolescent pregnancy
Young children believe that when a rule is broken, punishment will follow inevitably. This is belief in
immanent justice
Which of the following factors is the MOST common negative result of being an unmarried adolescent mother?
disruption of education
What main method did Kohlberg us to evaluate moral reasoning?
interviews about moral dilemma stories
Hal is a great dad. Which characterizes typical interaction with his children?
he likes to tickle and wrestle with children
A person is arrested for robbery states, "I stole the documents, and I am willing to pay my dues, but at least now the public is safer having this important safety information that the company was concealing." Which moral leve is this?
According to Giligan, when interpreting moral dilemmas, girls more often employ
care perspective
According to research, children of gay parents____ as compared to heterosexual families.
show no differences in their adjustment and mental health
According to recent research on siblings, which is the best parental strategy for handling conflict?
intervene and talk about possible solutions
The relationship between a parent and 1st born is different from relationship between parent and later born, in that the parent
reduces attention to the 1st born when new siblings arrive
1st born and only children are alike in that they are both
achievement oriented
In middle adulthood, most relationships among siblings are
Statement true of relationships between adult children and their parents.
Married men are more involved with their wives' family than their own.
List 3 Stages of Erikson' theory, along with age ranges