Having two separate lawmaking chambers
A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives. Type of government set up by the Articles of Confederation
To fall in value
The Articles of Confederation
The first constitution of the United States, adopted by Congress in 1777 and enacted in 1781. The articles established a national legislature, the Continental Congress, buy most authority rested with the state legislature.
Ordinance of 1785
A law that set up a process to survey and sell the lands north of the Ohio River
The Northwest Ordinance
Law that created a single Northwest territory from lands north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River. The land would be divided into 3 to 5 small territories. When a territory had 60,000 residents the people could seek statehood. Slavery would not be allowed in the Northwest Territories.
Land Act of 1800
Law that made it easier for people to buy land in the Northwest territory.
Paper money issued by Congress, which depreciated or fell in value
Congress under the Articles of Confederation
Limited powers. Could conduct foreign affairs, maintain armed forces, borrow money and issue currency. Could not regulate trade, force citizens to join the army or impose taxes. Each state got one vote.