The Study of Reading Habits
Philip Larkin; free verse with some rhyming
The Eagle
Alfred Tennyson; iambic pentameter; rhyming
Dulce et decorum est
Wilfred Owen; iambic pentameter; ABAB
The Ballad of Birmingham
Dudley Randall; Ballad
The Sea Turtle and the Shark
Melvin B. Tolson; free verse with rhyming
Mr. Z
M. Carl Holman; free verse with some rhymes
The Fish
Elizabeth Bishop; free verse
Mending Wall
Robert Frost; blank verse
Robert Frost; rhyming
Robert Frost; italian sonnet
Out! Out!
Robert Frost; free verse with rhymes
Barbie Doll
Marge Piercy; some rhyming in beginning
Emily Dickinson; iambic tetrameter and trimeter
The Mirror
Sylvia Plath; free verse
The Chimney Sweeper
William Blake; couplets
Jean Toomer; couplets; iambic pentameter
Dream Deffered
Langston Hughes; rhyming
Billy Collins; free verse
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Dylan Thomas; Villanele
My Papa's Waltz
Theodore Roethke; ABAB; rythmical
On Reading Poems to a Class at South High
D.C. Berry; free verse
19 lines, 5 tercets, 1 quatret,
English Sonnet
14 lines, iambic pentameter, rhyming, 3 quatrines, 1 couplet
Emily Dickinson
love, nature, immortality, death, beauty
Blank Verse
un-rhyming iambic pentameter
Free Verse
no poem structure
quatrains with lines 2 and 4 rhyming
Italian Sonnet
14 lines, 1 octet, 1 sestet, rhyming