bangs, young - rebellious, tomboy; main characater
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of Scout. What role does she play in the story?
adventurous, bossy - takes part in the ventures to the Radely house
Describe 2 personality traits of Jem. What role does he play in the story?
snow-white hair like duck fluff, blue eyes - daring, prideful; takes part in the ventures to the Radely house
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of Dill. What role does he play in the story?
(according to Jem) pale white face, yellowed teeth - hermit/extreme introvert, scary; the children keep trying to get him out of his house and he leaves gifts in the knot-hole of a tree
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of Arthur "Boo" Radely. What role does he play in the story?
wise, strict yet relaxed; teaches Scout many lessons
Describe 2 personality traits of Atticus. What role does he play in the story?
not good with children, bold; talks with Atticus when Scout overhears their important conversation
Describe 2 personality traits of Uncle Jack Finch. What role does he play in the story?
poor, dirty - humble, respectable; one of the 3 types of poorness Atticus talks about
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of the Cunningham family. What role does they play in the story?
poor, dirty - wild, undisciplined; one of the types of poorness Atticus talks about
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of the Ewell family. What role does they play in the story?
thin, near-sighted - tyrannical, caring; acts like a mother to Scout
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of Calpurnia. What role does she play in the story?
teacher - selfish, close-minded; makes Scout loathe school
Describe 1 physical trait and 2 personality traits of Miss Caroline. What role does she play in the story?
elderly, racist - ill-tempered, courageous; acts as a mini example of what happens in Part II
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of Mrs. Dubose. What role does she play in the story?
good friend of the Finches, around the same age as Jack Finch - likable, favors justice; teaches Scout some lessons
Describe 2 physical traits and 2 personality traits of Miss Maudie Atkinson . What role does she play in the story?
Learn to be empathetic; Being empathetic helps you to see things from another persons point of view. Atticus tells Scout that in order to understand why some people are they way they are, you have to "walk around in their skin" (be empathetic).
What is a theme from the novel? Explain.
1930s; Maycomb, Alabama
What is the setting (time and place) of the novel.
Mrs. Dubose acknowledges the fact that shes dying and wants to die free of any burden. She decides to quit her addiction to morphine.
Give an example of courage in the novel.
Rather than doing the right and honorable thing, Burris Ewell cusses out Miss Caroline and walks away from her after she tells him to go home and wash up.
Give an example of cowardice in the novel.
Mrs. Dubose dies courageous and free after quitting her addiction to morphine; It is a mini example of what will happen in Part II.
How does Part I of the book end? Why did Harper Lee decide to end Part I the way she did?
He tells her to use her head rather than her fist to "fight" them.
What does Atticus think of the insults Scout hears about him?
Atticus explains to Uncle Jack that the case isn't going well, and that Scout and Jem are going to go through some tough times. Atticus knew Scout was eavesdropping, but he let her listen in anyway.
What is important about the conversation Scout hears between Atticus and Uncle Jack?
They don't do anyone any harm. They just sing for you.
Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird?
She was able to quit her addiction to morphine.
Why is Mrs. Dubose courageous according to Atticus?