Read each sentence and determine how to correct it. Musicologists study the history of music and analyze its meaning to society. A. Musicologists study the history of music, and analyze its meaning to society. B. Musicologists study the history of music and, analyze its meaning to society. C. No corrections are needed.
No corrections are needed.
Read the sentence and determine how to correct it. The history of rap music is interesting and so many musicologists are beginning to examine it. A. The history of rap music is interesting, and so many musicologists are beginning to examine it. B. The history, of rap music, is interesting and so many musicologists are beginning to examine it. C. No corrections are needed.
The history of rap music is interesting, and so many musicologists are beginning to examine it.
Read the sentence and determine how to correct it. Hip-hop is related to rap music but they are different in some ways. A. Hip-hop is related to rap music but they are different, in some ways. B. Hip-hop is related to rap music, but they are different in some ways. C. No corrections are needed.
Hip-hop is related to rap music, but they are different in some ways.
Read the sentence and determine how to correct it. Because of its proximity to the San Andreas Fault San Francisco experiences many earthquakes. A. Because of its proximity to the San Andreas Fault San Francisco, experiences many earthquakes. B. Because of its proximity to the San Andreas Fault, San Francisco experiences many earthquakes. C. No corrections are needed.
Because of its proximity to the San Andreas Fault, San Francisco experiences many earthquakes.
Read the sentence and determine how to correct it. Coming together to help one another, the citizens rebuilt their devastated city. A. Coming together, to help one another, the citizens rebuilt their devastated city. B. Coming together, to help one another the citizens rebuilt their devastated city. C. No corrections are needed.
No corrections are needed.
Why does Skurzynski open "Nethergrave" by describing how Jeremy accidentally scores a goal for the opposing soccer team? A. to show that Jeremy is not very bright show why the coach should not have put Jeremy in the game C. to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing
to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing
Based on your knowledge of the word root chrono, something that is chronic A. involves illness or disorder. B. occurs repeatedly over time. C.shows a cause-and-effect relationship.
occurs repeatedly over time.
Which of the following sentences is CORRECTLY punctuated? A. On November 22 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and American history was forever altered. B. On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered. C. On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.
On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.
direct characterization,
the author describes that character's traits
indirect characterization
develops the character by presenting his or her thoughts, actions, and dialogue, as well as other characters' impressions
the underlying reasons for that character's actions and decisions
confusion; violence
curved path through space
arranged or directed movements, as in dance
something that resembles a whirlpool looks like a spinning circle
things that whirl, coil, or spiral
having sound happen at the same time as action
the personality one projects in public
an electronic image that represents the computer user
landscape; territory
magician or sorcerer
grotesque human or animal figures