When strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories
Three reasons the United States was drawn into World War I
Germany's invasion of Belgium, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the Zimmermann note
a country that owes less money than it is owed
Creditor nation
Name at least three industries that benefited from the auto indsutry
the steel, glass, rubber, asphalt, wood, gasoline, insurance, and road-construction industries
A group of WWI vets who marched on Washington for early payment of their promised bonus
the Bonus Army
Agency set up by FDR to supervise all banking, credits and investments in order to help stabilize American currency and the economy
Securities and Exchange Commission
What New Deal Act required farmers to stop planting part of their land and to kill off excess livestock?
Agricultural Adjustment Act
When several different companies give their stock to a board, and the stocks are gathered to form a new organization it is called a
The Act that outlawed monopolies
Sherman Antitrust Act
Two reasons immigrants were pushed from their home countries
religious persecution and military service
Susan B. Anthony led the fight for the rights of
The political party that members of the Farmers' Alliance formed to improve conditions for farmers
Populist party
The author and name of the novel that revealed the unsanitary conditions found in Chicago's stockyards
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
The name of the movement that encourage people to follow the teachings of the bible to improve society
Social Gospel Movement
Name of the organization that helped poor African American families send their children to school
The Urban League
Why did the United States Navy attack ships in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War
The ships were part of the Spanish navy
a volunteer unit led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War
the Rough Riders
President Roosevelt sent troops to support Panamanian rebels because the United States
wanted to build a canal in Panama at a lower price
When a country does not colonize another territory but controls all of its trade that is called
a sphere of influence
The three Central Powers in WWI were
Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire
A build up of of military material in preparation for possible war is called
The person responsible for rules affecting farm products in the United States during World War I
Herbert Hoover
The group that was created to increase public relations support for the war among the American people during WWI
the Committee on Public Information
One reason for the German surrender in 1918
many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight.
A tyerm used to describe how the navy prevented submarine attacks on ships
The League of Nations can best be described as a
a mutual defense agreement
Congress repealed Prohibition with what amendment?
21st Amendment
What group of American workers faced the greatest financial difficulty during the 1920s
The term used to describe the phase of the business cycle during the 1920s
Why did the stock market crash
Investors panicked and started to sell.
One reason why the Great Depression spread overseas
a decline in investment from the United States
How did New Deal programs change life in the West?
built dams to supply power and to stop flooding
What two groups sought to lower shipping and storage rates.
The Grange and the Farmers' Alliance
Why did the United States fail to join the League of Nations?
Woodrow Wilson and his opponents refused to compromise on the wording of the Treaty of Versailles.
Term used to describe farmers that farm land that was owned by someone else
tenant farming
What New Deal program built a series of dams to control floods and generate electricity in Tennessee
Tennessee Valley Authority
legislation that encouraged Native Americans to be absorbed into the main culture of American society
Dawes Act
crowded, rundown building divided into apartments that housed several families
businessman who sold his steel business to become one of the richest men in the world
Andrew Carnegie
businessman who gained control of the oil industry through his company, Standard Oil
John D. Rockefeller
organization formed to improve wages and working hours
American Federation of Labor
the idea that those who were very rich should share their riches for society's benefit
Gospel of Wealth
an African American leader who urged hard work and patience in the pursuit of full citizenship rights
Booker T Washington
a group that used the courts to challenge laws that were unfair to African Americans
an Amendment to the Constitution that gave Congress power to create an income tax
Sixteenth Amendment
a social activist and suffrage leader who formed the National Woman's Party
Alice Paul
legislation passed to control the safety of foods and medicines
Pure Food and Drug Act
a movement that arose in the 1890s to address social problems through reform
head of the War Industries Board
Bernard Baruch
This Act banned certain printed materials
Espionage Act
This Act created a military draft
Selective Service Act
a foreign policy that relies on military strength to achieve goals advocated by Teddy Roosevelt
Big Stick Policy
owner of the New York Journal who supported the Spanish-American War
William Randolph Hearst
payment for war damages
a foreign policy that relies on human rights, equality, honor and understanding persued by Woodrow Wilson
Moral Diplomacy
One reason for the rapid industrial expansion in the United States after the Civil War was
the development of natural resources used in manufacturing
What did NAWSA (led by Carrie Chapman Catt) in her "winning plan," urge women to do?
work for a constitutional amendment giving women the vote, while urging states to allow women's suffrage
after what war did the US become a world power and have a new role in world affairs
Spanish American War
During Prohibition, the "wets" argued for
the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment
With its original sound created from a variety of musical styles, what became a demonstration of the depth and richness of African American culture
As the Great Depression spread across the country, farmers struggled with
Falling crop prices and drought
President Herbert Hoover's emphasis on localism failed because states and towns
did not have the resources to combat the depression
What did the forceful measures that the military used to remove the Bonus Army from Washington, D.C. do to Hoover's reelection campaign?
He was doomed
During Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency, the executive branch grew in power because of the __________ role of government
What two factors pushed immigrants from their home countries
religious persecution & forced military service
Members of the Farmers' Alliance formed which political party to improve conditions for farmers?
Name the central powers of WWI
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
One reason for the German surrender in 1918 was that
many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight
The League of Nations can best be described as a
mutual defense agreement
In 1933, Congress repealed Prohibition with the
21st Amendment
Both African Americans and Mexican Americans had an especially difficult time during the Great Depression because they
faced discrimination when competing for jobs.
The _____ provided jobs for men, replanted forests, and fought fires
Civilian Conservation Corps
True or False Eleanor Roosevelt showed her deep political involvement in government when she offered FDR advice on policy issues
How did New Deal programs change life in the West? (Hint: think about water)
built dams to supply power and to stop flooding
At issue in the Scopes Trial of 1925 was whether a public school teacher could teach what controversial theory?
Darwin's theory of evolution
Charles Lindbergh became the greatest hero of his time when he
flew across the Atlantic Ocean alone
What political party rose to power in Germany during the 1930's?
Nazi Party
Give two reasons why The League of Nations did not prevent German and Italian aggression against other nations
It had no standing army and no power to enforce its decrees
Which of the following was perceived as being equivalent to declaring economic war against the Axis Powers?
the lend lease act
Roosevelt delivered his "Four Freedoms" speech that encouraged congress to do what?
declare war
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor because they wanted to
destroy ships and planes that threatened their expansion efforts
After the US declared war on the Axis Powers the economy
What was the agreement to settle international debts from World War I called?
Dawes plan
psychologist who stressed the unconscious mind
Sigmund Freud
theory of government which a single party or leader maintains strict control