Steps for Focused History...(Step 1; including the definition of OPQRST)
1. Elicit history of C/C or problem (OPQRST): Onset- sudden or gradual? Provoking Factor- "What were you doing?" Quality- "What does the pain feel like?" Region- "Where does it hurt?" Radiation- "Does the pain go anywhere else?" Reoccurrence- "Has this happened before?" Severity- "How bad is the pain?" Time- "When did it start?"
Step 2 for focused history
2. Elicit personal History (HAM or SAMPLE) H- medical history/under a physicians care A- allergies M- medications OR S- signs and symptoms A- Allergens M- medications P- pertinent history L- last meal E- Events leading to the injury or illness
Step 3 and 4 of focused history
3. Perform a focused medical assessment - based on the patient's complaint 4. Vital Signs - blood pressure - pulse - respirations - pupils
Step 5 and 6 of focused history
5- Special Questions - ask questions specific to patients chief complain 6- Detailed physical exam - complete head to toe examination - must be conducted systemically starting at the head - reassess vital signs - continue emergency medical care
Step 7 of focused history
7- Ongoing assessment - repeat initial assessment (ABC's) - reassess and record vital signs - repeat the focused assessment for other complaints - check interventions - note trends in patient condition