Nonparental Child Care or Day Care
The care given to children by persons other than parents during parts of the day that parents are absent
Extended Day Care
The care provided for children before or after school hours or during vacations
Latchkey Children
Children who are unsupervised by adults after school
The goals of an educational program. the teachers role, the equipment and materials, the space arrangement, the kinds of activities and the way they are schedules
Teacher-Directed Curriculum
A curriculum in which the learning activities are planned by the teacher for all children
Learner-Directed Curriculum
A curriculum in which the learning activities emerge from individual interests and teacher guidance
The first stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development (ages 1 1/2 - 2 years), in which the child uses senses and motor abilities to interact with the environment and understands only the here and now
The second stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development (ages 2-7 years old), in which children use symbols to represent objects, make judgements based on appearances, and believe that everyone shares their viewpoint
Concrete Operations
The third stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development (ages 7-11 years old), in which the child can apply logical, systematic principles to specific experiences, but cannot distinguish between assumptions or hypothesis and facts or reality
Formal Operations
The fourth stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development (ages 11 and up), in which the child can think logically about abstract ideas and hypothesis as well as concrete facts.
Direct Instruction Curriculum
A curriculum based on behaviorist prinicples
Montessori Curriculum
a curriculum based on individual self-directed learning with the teacher as facilitator ; materials provide exercises in daily living, sensory development, and academic development
Developmental Interaction Curriculum
a curriculum that is individualized in relation to each child's stage of development while providing many opportunities for children to interact with peers and adults
Tools of the Mind Curriculume
a curriculum based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of learning and Gardeners theory of five minds for the future
Intentional Teaching
Teachers act with specific outcomes or goals in mind for children's development and learning
Concepts about human life and behavior
Developmental changes associated with the biological processes of aging