age or reason
period of time when people questioned the natural world., They used observation and experimentation
natural rights
everyone is born with certain rights
social contract
a contract between a ruler and his people and the ruler agrees to take care of his people.
seperation of powers
power of gov't is seperated into 3 branches
check and balances
when the 3 branches of gov't check each other to make sure no one has more power
john locke
believe in natural rights of man
believed in freedom of speech
come of checks and balances and seperation of power
came up with the social contract
louis XIV
apsolute monarch in france
devine right theory
all rulers were chosen by god
estates general
the 3 estates of france
tennis counrt oath
when the peasents agreed to form a new gov't in france
storming of the bastille
when the french peasants freed prisoners from jail
absolute monarch
one ruler who has all power
louis XVI
ruler of france
declaration of rights of man
a document that declared what rights french people to have
believed that the king should have absolute power
want to keep the king but limit his power
french people who escorted the king
he was a radical who started the reign of terror
reign of terror
period od time during the french revolution when the radicals kills people who liked the king
a french general. he became the empire of france
napoleons accomlishments
napoleanic code, public schools, natural banks
napoleans reason of defeat
tried to take over russia and was not prepared for the russian winter
congress of vienna
after the french revolution the kings of rurope tried to reverse the idea of the french revolution
a prince of the leader of the congress of vienna
balance of power
when all the european nation made sure no nation had more power the another
social class system
causes and effects of ecomiendia system
unfair social system
nation state
a nation of people when the same mationality, landuage and culture
otto von bismark
united all germans into a german army
saying and doing what you mean
when machines replaced human labor on farms
new tech.
industrial revolution
when people began using machines to make products
adam smith
a economist who believed in capitalism and lassie faire
period of time in history when nations "colonized" other areas of the world
cause of imperialism
need natural resourses, people selling goods to land, refueling stations. "white man burden"
indians who served in the british army
treaty of manging
british is allowed to trade with china
commadore perry
opened up trade for japan
meiji restoration
moderized and wersternized
unclerlying and immediate causes
imperialism militaryism nationism and entangling alliances
when your in a and nobody is winning
new tech.
plains, tanks, machine guns
wilsons 14 points
ways to stop war
treaty of kanagawa
1854 treaty between Japan and the US. Japan agreed to open two ports to American ships
treaty of versaillest
treaty that ended WWI
war guilt clause
blamed germany for cause of the war
league of nations
organization that was suppose to prevent feature wars
results or WWI
economic decline, germany blamed for war and many people were killed