Congress of Vienna
1814-1815 attempts to restore old monarchies and territories to pre-French Revolution Status
Three Schools of Political Thought
each had different goals and followers Conservative Liberals Radicals
wealthy property owners and nobility conservatives don't want change bc they have so much want to protect traditional monarchies
middle-class business leaders/merchants want to give more power to elected parliaments only educated and landowners vote
favored extreme change to extend democracy to everyone Gov should practice ideals of French Revolution common people
Ideals of French Revolution
Liberty Equality Brotherhood
belief that loyalty should be to group of people who have common culture and history (not to king or country) nationalism allows for common interest btwn conservatives, liberals and radicals bc it places power in people
Nation state
has its own independent gov defends its territory and way of life one nationality Culture History Language Territory Nationality Religion
shared way of life (food, dress, behavior, ideas)
common past/experiences
diff. dialects of one language; one dialect becomes national language
certain territory that belongs to ethnic group
belief in common ethnic ancestry that may or may not be true
religion shared by all or most of people
mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands ex. 19th century Germany 19th century Italy
Culturally distinct group resists being added to state or tries to break away ex. Greeks in Ottoman French-speaking Canadians
culturally distinct groups form into new state by accepting single culture ex. the US Turkey
Positive Results of Nationalism
People within diff. nation overcome differences for common good Overthrow colonial rule Promotes democracy: power to people Competition among nations: spurs scientific and technological advances
Negative Results of Nationalism
forced assimilation of minority cultures into nation's majority culture can lead to ethnic cleansing can lead to racism and bigotry rise of extreme nationalistic movements (ie. Nazism) Competition between nations leading to warfare