What can't you do to ancient historians?
You cannot apply 20th century criteria to the first historians
What is Herodotus considered to be?
"The father of history" (cicero) "father of lies" (plutarch)
What is Thucydides considered to be?
The father of scientific history
What are the 6 things to assess historians by?
Identify Context Purpose Type of history Methodology Objectivity
Why did Herodotus do it?
"To preserve the memory of the past"
How was Herodotus' histories spread?
Intended to be read aloud for an audience
How did Herodotus get his information?
Observations, inquiries, oral histories due to lack of other types
What view did Herodotus have?
He was Athenocentric,but gave some credit to Sparta
How did Thucydides gather his information?
Eyewitnesses, personal observations
What is the one bad thing about Thucydides information?
He constructed and added speeches which he had heard, which he thought the situation demanded
What did Thucydides cover?
The Peloponnesian War
Why did Thucydides write history?
He thought that the Peloponnesian War was the most important war in history Posterity To Teach lessons
Why is Thucydides called the first scientific historian?
Believed in a balanced view and recorded the facts
What is Historiography a matter of?
What prior works guided Herodotus?
only epic poetry; Homer
How does Herodotus acknowledge his oral sources?
Names them precisely
How did Herodotus sort through his information?
cross referenced accounts when faced with info he doubted; thus coming to his own conclusions; evidence of distortion
Herodotus and literary techniques?
Used them to convey his personal opinion
Herodotus and the speeches?
The speeches in his work are made up because he had no way of recording them, word for word
How did Herodotus make his work suit an audience?
Exploited the techniques of oral delivery to keep an audience interested
Sum up 'Herodotus':A History"
A unified narrative w/ Persian Wars as his central theme
Herodotus and causes?
Divine intervention; but was maybe just appealing to his audiences (how could it be enjoyed in it's context?)
What did Herodotus explore in his work?
customs, manners, myths, geography
Warren on Herodotus?
doesn't think he was trying to teach in his work
Hartog on Herodotus?
"even though he is the father of history, he is not really a historian"
Thucydides's sources?
Oral evidence. Found, assessed, compared.
Thucydides's propose of history?
wanted to tell the truth about PP war reveal things about human nature, that people in power should know
Momigliano on Thucydides purpose?
"he wasn't attempting to list, but to enter the mind of his character and discuss his feelings and behaviour"
Thucydides contribution to historiography?
tight, direct, based on eyewitness, political/military narrative. influences renaissance writers
Purpose of christian history?
To convert pagans. Propagandist
Venerable Bede's context?
200 years after Rome. Anglo-Saxon christian. Teacher. Propagandist.
Venerable Bede's awesomness?
First consistent attempt to date events using the incarnation of Christ as focal point
Venerable Bede's sources?
Cites them, using a wide range. Frequent divine causation/miracles. Access to monastery libraries
Venerable Bede's evidence?
manipulated it to prove a point; i.e. on a list of kings, he missed out two pagan one's in purpose
Venerable Bede's bias?
Propagandist. Bias to Bernicia; showed patriotism towards it
Historians and the past?
they draw a picture, which is close but can never be the ultimate truth
Historians and objectivity?
Herodotus "My history"
Herodotus's years?
5th Century
The influence of epics on Herodotus?
ring composition
Thucydides's speechs?
"whatever seemed appropriated to me for each spark to say in the particular circumstances"
Thucydides's years?
Also 5th century
What does Thucydides characterise history as?
the realm of politics and war
Herodotus' context?
Wrote just after PP war Greece was Athens and Sparta
Herodotus' credentials?
exiled from Halicarnassus for plotting against Persian rule
Herodotus' personal beliefs?
All myths and legends based in reality Explained some things through divine intervention
Herodotus' philosophy on history?
to record great dead for future generations explain events through analysis of personal relationships; how people came into conflict
Herodotus' methodologies?
Travelled and personally collected data through interviews Questioned sources Offered myth, legend and fact
Herodotus' bias?
concentrated on main characters, their movies and actions wrote for a greek audience
Mark Twain on history?
"the very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice"
What was Bede?
A hagiographer
When did Bede work?
7th-8th century England
Bede's context?
violent, disunited, lawless England. It used to be under Roman rule, but by the end of the century Roman rule had been consolidated
Bede's work's title?
Ecclesiastical History