About how long ago in history did the first cities emerge?
10,000 years ago
The Industrial Revolution influenced urbanization in many ways, including where cities were sited. If you were to look back in history, you would find that almost every U.S. city was founded:
on a waterway.
Looking at countries around the world, what is the relationship between average income level and rate of population increase?
The lower the average income, the greater the population increase.
About when did urban centralization reach its peak in the United States?
Which of the following statements expresses the "limits to growth" thesis?
We are rapidly consuming the Earth's finite resources.
The concept "megalopolis" refers to which of the following?
a vast urban region containing many cities and suburbs
When in history did global population begin to spike upward?
Which of the following nations would you expect to be most concerned about declining population?
a high-income country such as Japan
Currently, about how many people are added to the world's population each year?
74 million
In the United States, the birth rate is currently:
below the replacement level.